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The long run

Posted: Sun Dec 15, 2013 4:02 pm
by Heath
Hey guys and ladyies, BeAtTz here, its been great playing celtic heroes with you all made great friends and even battled prime at one staged, in the long run its been a hell of a few 2 and 7 months, seen great hero's quit and never tobe seen again, giving me a full gameing experience, as im getting closer to my level 200 goal,
just remember gamers its just a game' when you're an bad person on cleric wont get you anywhere but hated, just remember to have fun and kill things im seeing people cry to me over someone ksed doomclaw was kind funny, its not the end as time is catching up to me i might have to go for a few months its been great and i hope my clan holds out, ill be logging for arena quests and dragon quests and try my best for other things but remember its a game and have fun it the long run you will look back and remember how much fun u have had BeAtTz out!!!

Re: The long run

Posted: Sun Dec 15, 2013 7:48 pm
by hammerpain
nooooo dont quit man your so close to reach 200 :/
why should you stop?!

Re: The long run

Posted: Wed Dec 18, 2013 1:29 am
by ryannaki
hi BeAtTz, I just wanna tell you if you wanna reach your decision about been the fist of danu to be lvl 200 :D
I liked you soo much I know its a game, but really you are a nice man :) have fun

Re: The long run

Posted: Wed Dec 18, 2013 1:31 am
by ryannaki
is ryan gonna stop play ?

Re: The long run

Posted: Wed Dec 18, 2013 6:12 pm
by Woox16
No one can truly quit ch.... He will be back

Re: The long run

Posted: Wed Dec 18, 2013 9:01 pm
by seer
[="Woox16"]No one can truly quit ch.... He will be back[/quote]
its the people who say they are who cant quit. The ones he just disapear and you never see again are the ones who do

Re: The long run

Posted: Wed Dec 18, 2013 9:49 pm
by D0nk0
Unfortunately, it is when you reach the "top" that quitting is fairly easy.

Re: The long run

Posted: Wed Dec 18, 2013 10:06 pm
by seer
Unfortunately, it is when you reach the "top" that quitting is fairly easy.
yeah cause you've pretty much done everything you can and it just gets boring

Re: The long run

Posted: Sat Dec 21, 2013 12:21 am
by Cazz
Unfortunately, it is when you reach the "top" that quitting is fairly easy.
yeah cause you've pretty much done everything you can and it just gets boring
Yep, im in the same situation :(