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defiant vs chosenones

Posted: Sat Feb 18, 2012 10:28 pm
by buttkissery
Now I'm a member of one of these clans .. obviously not going to say who for what I'm going to say.. but can someone explain as to why defiant and chosen are constantly going at it? I think its stupid. I mean imagine if somar and reap were running a clan side by side? And turfy and dieg teaming bosses.. it would be the ultimate clan..
Now its quite clear a coalition would never happen, too much hatred, but possible to atleast stop with the moaning and *** constantly?

Re: defiant vs chosenones

Posted: Sun Feb 19, 2012 1:31 am
by Confuzzled
This is Confuzzled if you can't tell. This is my favorite topic because I actually know the truth. Defiant has been on top since Clan Death ended and they disliked Cheech because she used Elixers and "bought her levels". They disliked her so she waited for a clan to form that aimed at the top. Unfortunately ChosenOnes are jealous of Defiant. They ks and lose due to jealousy. They also brought this war into real life. Erowen and Cheech talked bad about one of my friends, and made fun of his family on Facebook. I don't like Defiant because they're the best. I like them because they play this game to have fun and become the best. I dislike ChosenOnes because they are very stubborn and jealous. When ChosenOnes first started their rules were, "Don't buy discs because that makes us look weak" and, "Don't interact with Defiant because that makes them better". ChosenOnes take things too far and they also hold a former friend of mine... I traded my Golden Amulet of Rejuvenation and Golden Focus of Rejuvenation for a Crown Disc, Heroic Amulet of Regen and Heroic Gloves of Haste. I let him borrow the gloves and he lets his friend borrow it... His friend made him pay 10k for it and somehow that makes the gloves his? He stole the gloves and betrayed our friendship. ChosenOnes holds many scammers and call everyone else scammers... IcedArrows is a scammer, Razza is too, there are others but why should they care? I don't know but they're really stubborn. I don't take screen shots because I could care less if ChosenOnes believe me. As long as my friends know I'm honest means everything to me.

Re: defiant vs chosenones

Posted: Sun Feb 19, 2012 3:26 am
by RazorKnight
Confuzz not everybody in chosen ones are like that am im like that no but some of my members can be stubborn but just live with it. Some are really good people if you get to know them better. You are just basing it on facts you saw. btw i can make any clan the best if they make me guardian :) made 3 of Mabons past clans become the best and very active. Such as Masmar(kind of), Shadow Dragons(was very well until people got bored and went inactive i was chief), and Nemesis(best clan i ever became guardian for and were very active), In Danu i can make a new clan and make it as equally good as Defiant and not have problems with chosen and defiant(maybe). But i wont get the top players since they are in those two top clans so i will stay where i am. I am sure both clans are good but have a different style of playing the games but it still makes them good. So dont base a whole clan on what they do base on what some did.

Re: defiant vs chosenones

Posted: Mon Feb 20, 2012 4:58 pm
by Confuzzled
I am not basing my facts off basics and it's more of knowledge. I've been in both clans twice now. Not all ChosenOnes members or Defiant members are bad but some are truly pathetic.

Re: defiant vs chosenones

Posted: Mon Feb 20, 2012 5:12 pm
by RazorKnight
That is only because they are suck into the the clan. Some people will be very loyal to the clan and act that way as others dont see whats the problem with helping others and kind of loyal.

Re: defiant vs chosenones

Posted: Mon Feb 20, 2012 6:42 pm
by Confuzzled
What's Razza's excuse?

Re: defiant vs chosenones

Posted: Mon Feb 20, 2012 7:39 pm
by Kammera
I think its nothing more than two good clans with a rival competition. Everyone wants to be the best and competition is healthy. However there are the few in both clans that act childish and taunt which takes away from the fun of competition. I enjoy the rival for better or worse

Re: defiant vs chosenones

Posted: Tue Feb 21, 2012 8:51 pm
by Confuzzled
I don't see the 'fun' rivalry. When I was in both clans the main purpose was to do anything it takes to be the best. I only dislike some ChosenOnes members for Somar's sake. BlackRose isn't getting in it so leave our bosses alone. If we die and Defiant or ChosenOnes is there. Well it's fair game then, we'll still try to get the kill though. We want to be a good clan and earn discs without issues.

Re: defiant vs chosenones

Posted: Thu Feb 23, 2012 11:01 pm
by RazorKnight
yes i have notice you guys doing that.

Re: defiant vs chosenones

Posted: Fri Feb 24, 2012 7:52 pm
by D0nk0
I, I'm the main don't ks others, slough there are a fee defiant members that try and ks me while sword training, I then will change to the 'big boy' weapon and beat them all I can.

Most members of both clans are considerate, except on main bosses.

I am friends with both defiant members and chosen members and like to keep it that way.