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Scammers Are Out There..

Posted: Thu May 29, 2014 3:47 am
by Dantae
.. And you'd be amazed who they can be. In my case, I met someone a couple days ago and decided to aid them with some quests. We shared good conversation and even traded a bit. Today, he/she decided to pull a scam attempt on me. <name removed> is a scammer! Be aware he/she has multiple accounts (Usually include Jeje in the name) that is shared between multiple people. I'm usually very friendly with everyone and just as equally forgiving. However, when it comes to cheating and scamming, I tolerate no one. If something could be done, I'd really appreciate it.

After talking to another player, he informed me that <name removed> also scammed 3 other players including a level 107 named Sailormoon. Of course, I personally have no proof of this, so it's not concrete. Just be aware of this player in particular and don't trust anyone too much. Never share your login information guys! NEVER.

If there are any Admins, contact me via this forum so I can send the screenshots of her attempts of scamming me. I'd include them here, but the files are too big. (I'm not only new to the game, but forums in general. Therefore, I have no idea what I'm doing! :D )

Re: Scammers Are Out There..

Posted: Thu May 29, 2014 6:37 am
by Galadriel
Welcome to the forums! A good idea would be to contact support through the in game tool with any information you have. They will investigate and take action where appropriate. Good luck!

Re: Scammers Are Out There..

Posted: Thu May 29, 2014 7:08 am
by Dantae
Thanks for the instruction. I will do so immediately(:

Re: Scammers Are Out There..

Posted: Mon Jun 02, 2014 2:20 am
by Sailormoon
Yes I was scammed. Partly my fault. Kept telling you it was me on my new account lol

Re: Scammers Are Out There..

Posted: Mon Jun 02, 2014 1:13 pm
by Dantae
Yes I was scammed. Partly my fault. Kept telling you it was me on my new account lol
Oh the forum post wasn't for you. None of the screenshots had anything to do with what happened to you. I knew there was no way I could 100% prove your case, so I didn't argue it. I did however have evidence of [you know who's] attempts to scam me, admitting to scamming others, admitting to selling the stolen goods on another account, and admitting to account sharing. All of which violates the rules, I believe. (Not too sure on the account sharing)

Re: Scammers Are Out There..

Posted: Sun Oct 12, 2014 8:20 pm
by VanessaOmazi2
although you can never prove you have been scammed- chrissy ( sailormoon ) was scammed
we were verry close and still are :) and she never asked for anything when her account was stolen she is verry trustworthy and a great friend :) chrissy- i hope my company is going well and that your new account is doing great!!!

Re: Scammers Are Out There..

Posted: Sat Oct 18, 2014 9:15 am
by Sailormoon
although you can never prove you have been scammed- chrissy ( sailormoon ) was scammed
we were verry close and still are :) and she never asked for anything when her account was stolen she is verry trustworthy and a great friend :) chrissy- i hope my company is going well and that your new account is doing great!!!
VANNNN I MISS YOUUU. Yeah ive done great! Already 135 lol wish you could come bck tho :/

Re: Scammers Are Out There..

Posted: Sat Oct 18, 2014 1:45 pm
by SuperRogue991
Morrigan was first with scammers

Now its your turn >:D