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Posted: Sun Jun 01, 2014 12:57 pm
by ryannaki
I never did understand why??
Why clan wars?
Why don't you guys live in peace?
From the begening there where clan wars.
Ancients like me know's from what i'm talking about ):
We have a lot of example for one big clan maked FOR FUN not only for dragon lord drops
This game is really good so why don't you guys make a clan like omegatriad (:
It will be awesome if there is 1 principal clan for everyone.
The chieftain could be someone very couragous ho want to help the weak like me....
There's a lot of choice too.
We can make elections
Everyone could vote for his own choice
We could pick up 5 person for this vote
Vote are accepted on forums or on the game
First write below your choice for the Best chieftain NO MYSELF
Thank you for reading and understanding my idea
Have a good day everyone!!!
Re: Preprime??
Posted: Sun Jun 01, 2014 7:20 pm
by MindCrush
To my knowledge prime offered unbreakable/nitro(honour) at the start of v4 to stop clan wars and help eachother... But they rejected so y would they merge now?
Re: Preprime??
Posted: Mon Jun 02, 2014 1:03 pm
by Smeagle
At beginning of last update prime and nitro worked together, a merge was offered to airees and her clan. She never discussed this with her clan, and after she got full dl armor from working with prime she then said she doesnt wanta work with us. Our only stipulation for helping them was for nitro not to group with unbreakable on main bosses. Our reasoning behind not grouping unbreakable was due to there leaders that in past would collect clan drops then sell back to there own clannies at way overpriced prices. Also they aloud there clannies to roll on every drop ( warrior would roll on mage drops ect.) this is not primes way. We dont believe on rolling on gear u cant or wouldnt use. Why should u bank gear if ither clannies need or would use? Airees chose to group with unbreak and take up there rules. Where its a free for all at drops. Ive heard it changed slightly and kudos now turns in there drops to a clan bank. But there leaders still say there is no clan bank in gear itll get banned. Whatever there rules it doesnt matter the fact is airees and her clan was offered to be allies( if not merge) but declined. They like to preach peace and harmony to everyone, but yet they have never changed in there ways. So this is why there is no peace in danu .
Re: Preprime??
Posted: Wed Jun 04, 2014 10:30 pm
by ryannaki
At beginning of last update prime and nitro worked together, a merge was offered to airees and her clan. She never discussed this with her clan, and after she got full dl armor from working with prime she then said she doesnt wanta work with us. Our only stipulation for helping them was for nitro not to group with unbreakable on main bosses. Our reasoning behind not grouping unbreakable was due to there leaders that in past would collect clan drops then sell back to there own clannies at way overpriced prices. Also they aloud there clannies to roll on every drop ( warrior would roll on mage drops ect.) this is not primes way. We dont believe on rolling on gear u cant or wouldnt use. Why should u bank gear if ither clannies need or would use? Airees chose to group with unbreak and take up there rules. Where its a free for all at drops. Ive heard it changed slightly and kudos now turns in there drops to a clan bank. But there leaders still say there is no clan bank in gear itll get banned. Whatever there rules it doesnt matter the fact is airees and her clan was offered to be allies( if not merge) but declined. They like to preach peace and harmony to everyone, but yet they have never changed in there ways. So this is why there is no peace in danu .
Smeagle i know you from a long time
and i understand what is going on
Il make a new caracter named DragonSong soon,im back to Danu
If anyone want to know ho i was (: in game
Ill tell you ho i was in game
Ill reach level 100 in 3 days or less if i could play at the time i could do
I want to join preprime and see the new Danu not the ancient one (:
The O.P ness will come soon
Prime, im here (:
Re: Preprime??
Posted: Thu Jun 05, 2014 12:48 am
by Lacerate
What a bunch of bologna this post is, we offered peace to u guys idek how many times in past 6 months. Your hate monger members (not everyone) keep the fire rolling with your slimey shinnanigans (pulling adds, resetting bosses, ksing on lix, ect). You dont want peace, you want everyone to be prime. And if they aren't prime you will steal their bosses or bribe them with items until they leave their clans to join prime. And theres still people u took from us with no more items than when they left. If you have no control of ur members who just walk around doin whatever they want regardless of what leaders have said then how do u expect any kind of peace to work?
Straighten out ur group of children and maybe peace would be possible.
Nice to see everyone acting so 180 degrees different on forum than on game
Re: Preprime??
Posted: Thu Jun 05, 2014 5:53 am
by -Kola-
isn't this guy a scammer?
Re: Preprime??
Posted: Thu Jun 05, 2014 8:04 am
by Solid
Once again, one shouldn't hate an entire clan just because a few people in there are dorks. This applies to ALL clans. Apparently it's pretty hard to implement though.
Re: Preprime??
Posted: Fri Jun 06, 2014 6:18 am
by Lacerate
I said ( not all members) the few driving the drama keep the non-peace rolling, and kola you obviosly dunno who i am, are u that bored to just call any random person whom u have no clue who it is a scammer?
Re: Preprime??
Posted: Fri Jun 06, 2014 3:45 pm
by Dark
I remember the merge thing, but it wasnt with nitro guys, i remember perfectly that it was a merge or ally with omegatriad lol, never heard of a merge in between nitro and prime
Re: Preprime??
Posted: Sat Jun 07, 2014 2:05 am
by Smidge
Lacerate, nothing of which you said made sense there, not once has airees came up to our clan and asked for alliance, a couple of whispers to us about making a peace on resetting but then people like roze and others seem to like to root out bosses or cast calm on us which breaks this peace.
Also you talk about getting our members in order, and how people from other clans do not have gear is because they are from unbreak/honour/kudos on which we have a recruitment time to gain trust, or that they gave betrayed us before and left so they have longer recruit time. Also if they don't have gear its because they have not shown up to bosses to get that gear or have had bad rolls (you can't judge our drops system looking back on unbreak/honour rolls)
Also we had a treaty with airees and nitro but she stopped this treaty and grouped up with unbreak over us (after we geared her).
We do not steal members, people choose to join as they want to be treated fairly and yes they want gear.
Gear leads to killing better and bigger bosses which meens more fun in the game and everybody is here for fun since it is a game afterall.
I have no clue who you are but you seem to not have any clue on the history of danu and have only been fed with this false info by your leaders who love to tell a bunch of lies about the big bad prime which they refer us as. Airees even calls us Nazi's for some reason I'm not sure of.