A few other servers did this so I thought, why not? How about it? It would be a great way for new players to know who to go to if they need help!
Even though I'm not playing currently I'll start it off. I'll be back soon tho
I'm Hogana, I have been playing since 2012, I know my way around and am not a major grinder.
The clans i have been in are...
FinalBoss (faded away was my clan for most of the time)
Unbreakable (very short time)
Honor (before merge)
And a few other smaller clans.
Thats me
(btw don't make this topic into a clan war)
Danu players, introduce yourself!
Last edited by Hogana on Wed Oct 15, 2014 11:57 pm, edited 1 time in total.