Danus History
Posted: Sun Nov 23, 2014 7:23 pm
Im making this post in order to educate all the new players about Danu and its clan history before they started playing the game.
Lets start at the release of V4:
Prime had dominated all bosses in v3 while a rival clans named Unbreakable struggled to kill any bosses. During this time Prime members wanted to move towards a new way of handling drops, at the time all drops were collected and handed out to the characters in which the chieftain /gens and guards felt fit. Some including myself felt that this was a bit unfair and we're working towards a new system of handling drops. This system required you to meet the level requirement on the drop, the class requirement on the drop, and you had to have been at the boss in order to roll. The highest roll would win the item. Due to some controversy with the new system our chieftain Cheech stepped down and a general named Blaz took over Prime. As v4 was released we were all astonished by the amount of new bosses and items that were added too the game. Prime quickly took control of the bosses while an alliance was formed by unbreakable and some Sempi fi. Later a new clan appeared after its leaders were kicked from prime. This clan was called Freedom, it formed an alliance with unbreakable and the Sempfi. During this time the alliance managed to get a few Dragonlord bosses. Yet Prime still dominated the bosses, a new clan named nitro appeared lead by the chieftain Airees. She made lots of friends in Prime and as she leveled and became one of the higher characters on Danu prime allowed her to boss with them and roll equally with primes members for all drops. This later was expanded to her whole clan which grew since it had the support of Prime behind it. The alliance of Freedom, Unbrekable, and some Sempifi slowly got less and less bosses until it was almost as if Prime had no competition. Airees and her clan Nitro were geared quickly over the next months and became a trusted alliance to Prime. As time proceeded Airees started to talk to the rival clan unbreakable, Freedom, and Sempifi. It started slowley with Airees not killing them in arena to helping them with DragonLord bosses and then she stopped coming to bosses that Prime called. Airees then decided to make a choice that would throw Danu into a tornado of chaos, she destroyed her alliance with Prime. With this choice a large amount of her high leveled members moved to Prime, while the original Prime members felt betrayed since they had helped gear her and her clan. Hate began to grow between the two clans. Prime dominated the bosses for months to come, Nitro soon became a clan named Honour. They continued to fight with unbreakable while most is sempifi at this time had joined Prime. Months past without any new content and Unbreakable and Honour continued to grow but still could not compete with Prime. In more recent times those two clans merged forming a clan named kudos. Kudos managed to get a few more bosses then they used to but still no where near the amount Prime killed. As the months past the chieftain of Prime, a ranger named Blaz decided it was time for him to part from the game. After attempting to give the chieftain to Queefmagnet and Smeagle, who both declined due to priorities in real life he settled on a chief named InfamousBoss. InfamousBoss was a very kind and helpful chieftain who helped Prime advance in strength. Months passed and Prime continued to flourish, until one day Infamousboss logged and wasn't seen for 3 months. Due to the absence of a chieftain the members of prime decided that enough time had passed and made a new clan named Ascension, which was run by three Generals, Queefmagnet, Vulture, and Smeagle. They lead Ascension to its first kill of the Necromancer a month ago.
This is the history of Danu from the clan point of view, make of it as you feel fit but I think it is Something that needs to be told for the countless players who started playing recently and were lead astray by others.
PS: i spent way to much time writing this and didn't want to go back and check for spelling errors.
Lets start at the release of V4:
Prime had dominated all bosses in v3 while a rival clans named Unbreakable struggled to kill any bosses. During this time Prime members wanted to move towards a new way of handling drops, at the time all drops were collected and handed out to the characters in which the chieftain /gens and guards felt fit. Some including myself felt that this was a bit unfair and we're working towards a new system of handling drops. This system required you to meet the level requirement on the drop, the class requirement on the drop, and you had to have been at the boss in order to roll. The highest roll would win the item. Due to some controversy with the new system our chieftain Cheech stepped down and a general named Blaz took over Prime. As v4 was released we were all astonished by the amount of new bosses and items that were added too the game. Prime quickly took control of the bosses while an alliance was formed by unbreakable and some Sempi fi. Later a new clan appeared after its leaders were kicked from prime. This clan was called Freedom, it formed an alliance with unbreakable and the Sempfi. During this time the alliance managed to get a few Dragonlord bosses. Yet Prime still dominated the bosses, a new clan named nitro appeared lead by the chieftain Airees. She made lots of friends in Prime and as she leveled and became one of the higher characters on Danu prime allowed her to boss with them and roll equally with primes members for all drops. This later was expanded to her whole clan which grew since it had the support of Prime behind it. The alliance of Freedom, Unbrekable, and some Sempifi slowly got less and less bosses until it was almost as if Prime had no competition. Airees and her clan Nitro were geared quickly over the next months and became a trusted alliance to Prime. As time proceeded Airees started to talk to the rival clan unbreakable, Freedom, and Sempifi. It started slowley with Airees not killing them in arena to helping them with DragonLord bosses and then she stopped coming to bosses that Prime called. Airees then decided to make a choice that would throw Danu into a tornado of chaos, she destroyed her alliance with Prime. With this choice a large amount of her high leveled members moved to Prime, while the original Prime members felt betrayed since they had helped gear her and her clan. Hate began to grow between the two clans. Prime dominated the bosses for months to come, Nitro soon became a clan named Honour. They continued to fight with unbreakable while most is sempifi at this time had joined Prime. Months past without any new content and Unbreakable and Honour continued to grow but still could not compete with Prime. In more recent times those two clans merged forming a clan named kudos. Kudos managed to get a few more bosses then they used to but still no where near the amount Prime killed. As the months past the chieftain of Prime, a ranger named Blaz decided it was time for him to part from the game. After attempting to give the chieftain to Queefmagnet and Smeagle, who both declined due to priorities in real life he settled on a chief named InfamousBoss. InfamousBoss was a very kind and helpful chieftain who helped Prime advance in strength. Months passed and Prime continued to flourish, until one day Infamousboss logged and wasn't seen for 3 months. Due to the absence of a chieftain the members of prime decided that enough time had passed and made a new clan named Ascension, which was run by three Generals, Queefmagnet, Vulture, and Smeagle. They lead Ascension to its first kill of the Necromancer a month ago.
This is the history of Danu from the clan point of view, make of it as you feel fit but I think it is Something that needs to be told for the countless players who started playing recently and were lead astray by others.
PS: i spent way to much time writing this and didn't want to go back and check for spelling errors.