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Thanks to you awesome players!

Posted: Wed Dec 03, 2014 7:33 am
by xanderace
Taking this time, I would like to thank a few players who have made my gameplay very very fun.

My first thanks goes to Twinshot for randomly showing up when I had just joined and helping me get on my feet. Then to Tevin Kenefick who came in and stepped into Twinshot's shoes and groomed me to be what I am today. I can never possibly thank you two enough. I thought I had a lot of people to thank before I realized that two others were Twinshot's alts.

I also owe a lot more than one to Doomed for helping us kill bosses that we obviously can't take down by ourselves and not claiming any drop. Also Zarathoustra whom I usually see running around alone but always lends a hand whenever she sees that we need help.

Now comes my list for the best sellers on Fingal. Without a doubt, Sexy Dalilah has to be the one who offers the best deals at unbelievable prices. Belenus bless her soul for that. It wouldn't be fair not to mention Louis Jean, although she is leaving the game, because she has helped me out with cheap prices while she was active. Gyilok for not being stingy with rare drops and Egor for being persistent with good items even though I would have passed on them (not mentioning the annoying sellers here :lol: ).

ORDEM being a person of less words and humble attire is not to be left out. He has been a silent helper not looking for anything in return (doesn't even stick around to receives my thanks :lol: )

The guy I have a really fun time talking gibberish is Vydd. I hope he logs in more often. Drako Khimera for always dominating Dustwither Catacombs and killing anything that spawns. I find that extremely cute! Afirerith McQua for allowing me to call her McQua... lol! Camrouge for giving me free xp in group.

Finally, thanks to all the new players who joined and are accepting all the drops that I don't need. I don't feel good selling them off at item trader knowing that somebody else might need it.

Thank you all for making this server cool!!!

Re: Thanks to you awesome players!

Posted: Sun Dec 07, 2014 8:10 pm
by DooMeD
Well, thanks bro. You're not such a bad guy yourself.
Just gotta keep Wyrmbane from messing with my trainers now. Lol

Re: Thanks to you awesome players!

Posted: Mon Dec 08, 2014 8:41 am
by xanderace
I know. Clanmates mess with my training a lot of times. Keep telling them but there's always someone who hasn't heard.

Re: Thanks to you awesome players!

Posted: Mon Dec 08, 2014 4:23 pm
by Zyz
What's your character name in game?

Re: Thanks to you awesome players!

Posted: Sat Dec 13, 2014 4:56 am
by xanderace

Re: Thanks to you awesome players!

Posted: Sat Dec 13, 2014 11:25 am
by Afirerith
hey! I have never allowed you to call me McQua!!! XD

Re: Thanks to you awesome players!

Posted: Sun Dec 14, 2014 3:52 am
by tete
Not this guy again

Re: Thanks to you awesome players!

Posted: Sun Dec 14, 2014 10:40 am
by xanderace
I am a presence tete!
Afi, I know deep in your heart you want to be called that.

Re: Thanks to you awesome players!

Posted: Tue Dec 16, 2014 2:36 pm
by tevin kenfick
your very welcome adean and im glad to have you as my general and friend. you have help me too man more than you know. I should be back tomorrow sometime. driving me nuts I cant play and see the new update lol.

Re: Thanks to you awesome players!

Posted: Wed Dec 17, 2014 8:57 pm
by xanderace
Honored to have your first post on my post! :D :D