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Are there rules for bossing?
Posted: Mon Jan 05, 2015 11:36 am
by xanderace
I don't mean to offend anyone. I have nothing against anybody. This post is just out of pure confusion. Recently I have been getting messages from other clans saying that we are "stealing" bosses. Stealing in the sense that some other clan member was keeping watch but our people went and took it down before the other clannies could get there. I thought it was fair that whoever got there first should take the kill. However, it also happens that others also do the same to us. I did not mind at all if the others took it down while we were waiting. It's not like the boss is gone forever. But the main problem arises because people see it as an offence and start disliking each other. I have no wish to hurt anyone over any reason. I just feel like this disliking each other is unecessary because I know most of the around here are good people irrespective of the clans. I know we are all in clans to help each other progress in the game but this "stealing" tag is kinda getting me too confused. It is not really stealing because it doesn't belong to anybody and there are no rules. Why make everyone unhappy over this?
Re: Are there rules for bossing?
Posted: Mon Jan 05, 2015 11:42 am
by Curry30423
Wellll im a noob on android still but just wanna say that if ur prepared before others then by all means you should kill the boss. Little things like this shouldn't be taken as an offence as the others were more prepared. Things like this are the start of wars and so far on fingal I haven't seen clan wars so let's keep it that way._.
Re: Are there rules for bossing?
Posted: Mon Jan 05, 2015 11:52 am
by xanderace
If things were simplified, everybody would understand. And you got my point curry. I don't want small things like this to turn into a war. It affects lower levels like me very badly.
And how come I haven't seen you even once?
Burst and Heavens Cloud.
Did you join a clan?
What's your logging in time? (timezone and time?)
Re: Are there rules for bossing?
Posted: Mon Jan 05, 2015 11:53 am
by xanderace
And how many chicken have you collected so far?
Re: Are there rules for bossing?
Posted: Mon Jan 05, 2015 8:33 pm
by Curry30423
Idk I'll have to count next time Im on e.e
Re: Are there rules for bossing?
Posted: Mon Jan 05, 2015 8:34 pm
by Curry30423
My login time is random...sometimes 1am sometimes 7pm...ima rare spawn. C:
Re: Are there rules for bossing?
Posted: Mon Jan 05, 2015 10:52 pm
by Acid Burn
It is good manners if you see someone waiting by the boss to just ask him/her if he/she is waiting for clannies. They might be on their way and just around the corner.
Re: Are there rules for bossing?
Posted: Mon Jan 05, 2015 10:53 pm
by Chelu
I believe that first GRP that is prepared should be able to kill. Now keep in mind that its only my opinion. I've been on this server long enough to know that most people and clans, believe its first come first served. Now if you get there after said person is waiting, I'd ask and give them a minute to gather. Just out of respect that some people camp certain bosses. I usually just help them kill the boss, as we don't need any lower level items anyhow. Unless its for ALTs.
Chelu 192 Warrior "The Legend" aka Uncle
Re: Are there rules for bossing?
Posted: Mon Jan 05, 2015 10:58 pm
by Chelu
If its someone from our clan that is ranting about KS, let us know. We do have a rule that even if we are first to mob, if other person needs for a quest and the item drops, we usually give them. Unless someone in raid needs it, then its clannies or roll. Depends on grp loot rules.
-Full DL armor set- praise be to cam
Re: Are there rules for bossing?
Posted: Tue Jan 06, 2015 12:35 am
by Shadowbolt2
Whoever wins the lock gets the boss. It doesn't matter if people are waiting around or have already started the boss. If you win the lock over them than its your boss
Edit: these are rules on iOS server crom and majority of other iOS servers i believe