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Rarity Chart on General Discussion

Posted: Fri Nov 13, 2015 5:41 am
by drag0nrider27
Over on General Discussion I wrote a colour chart and how rare the sets were! I need your feedback what do you think? Also what's the affected version of frostguard?

Re: Rarity Chart on General Discussion

Posted: Fri Nov 13, 2015 6:01 am
by Casting
Snowbound is the special effect for frostguard

Re: Rarity Chart on General Discussion

Posted: Fri Nov 13, 2015 11:30 am
by drag0nrider27
Snowbound is the special effect for frostguard
Thank you

Re: Rarity Chart on General Discussion

Posted: Sat Nov 14, 2015 5:54 pm
by saladin7
You just stated the obvious nothing more imo
Also they depend on server
A pink frostguard(if its there) is rarer than black hunter in our world as there is 0 pink fgs but we have a black hunter set and a couple pieces n there.Obviously different on another server

Re: Rarity Chart on General Discussion

Posted: Sat Nov 14, 2015 7:14 pm
by IssartriTheRanger
Over on General Discussion I wrote a colour chart and how rare the sets were! I need your feedback what do you think? Also what's the affected version of frostguard?
It is useful for new players to learn the fash ropes, as someone has stated some prices of fash that are called rare are more common than some named common fash.
But it varies every server, I still haven't seen a full black glen set though...

Re: Rarity Chart on General Discussion

Posted: Mon Nov 16, 2015 5:26 am
by Zyz
Over on General Discussion I wrote a colour chart and how rare the sets were! I need your feedback what do you think? Also what's the affected version of frostguard?
It is useful for new players to learn the fash ropes, as someone has stated some prices of fash that are called rare are more common than some named common fash.
But it varies every server, I still haven't seen a full black glen set though...
There is full black glen in fingal.

The common/rarity of the description on fashion is due to the likelihood that color will pop up in chests. What makes some colors of certain fashions seem more rare depends on how many chests are opened up, players that have older fashions quitting, and etc

As far as learning the ropes, by the time you can afford rare fashion, that person has a pretty good understanding of what's out there

Re: Rarity Chart on General Discussion

Posted: Sun Nov 22, 2015 1:27 pm
by drag0nrider27
Over on General Discussion I wrote a colour chart and how rare the sets were! I need your feedback what do you think? Also what's the affected version of frostguard?
It is useful for new players to learn the fash ropes, as someone has stated some prices of fash that are called rare are more common than some named common fash.
But it varies every server, I still haven't seen a full black glen set though...
Royalty almost has a full set aswell she only needs the boots.

Re: Rarity Chart on General Discussion

Posted: Sun Nov 22, 2015 1:27 pm
by drag0nrider27
Over on General Discussion I wrote a colour chart and how rare the sets were! I need your feedback what do you think? Also what's the affected version of frostguard?
It is useful for new players to learn the fash ropes, as someone has stated some prices of fash that are called rare are more common than some named common fash.
But it varies every server, I still haven't seen a full black glen set though...
Royalty almost has a full set aswell she only needs the boots.