Question about the status of Lir
#1What is the current highest level on the server? Are there any stand out clans I could join in the future? How far is the server on bosses? I would love answers. Thank you!
As far as my friend has told me, yes there are.There are more players over 100 on Lir server?
Im the chief of TheOne btw
We currently have 4 lvl 100s one is 120 then me at 105 skyline at 104 and leigh 101
And i havent seen anyone else above 100 besides us
On bosses we hold stonevale and Astrial bosses and with carrow out now we hope to expand to frozen soon
She*Really?! I run everywhere and anywhere and i always find myself alone training sometimes its all day! @.@
Or is he saying another server?
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