Hello all!
I'm looking to transfer from Lir to Epona. I have two million gold's worth in item value on Lir but would very much like to return to Epona. Based off the economy differences across servers, I'd reckon my worth on Lir would translate to about one million gold on Epona. I would prefer that I could get gold alone on Epona for my items on Lir, but I understand why this may not be an option. If anyone is interested, please send me a Private Message, and we will discuss it there. If you disagree on the economy translation I gave, please mention it as a reply to this thread and we will see about correcting it. Thank you!
Re: Transfer
#3Specifically my items, but once I transfer I'd have no reason to keep the toon so I suppose that could be included; though that would increase the price slightly due to his level and the time I spent on getting him there.are ya talking about a whole charcter like not just items but like your actual toon