Hi everyone,
This is Chaotic most of you have probably seen me.
My clan is Chaos.
We will be a elite endgame clan. At the moment we are recruiting based on previous accounts and the amount of lixes/plat you have to level. If you wish to apply shoot me a pm.
Our clan will be more focused on endgame content, we will be using a DKP system on endgame raid loot. We have an open grouping policy currently and anyone may join in our boss fights up to and including frozen provided you get there before the lock.
All our drops Dragonlord and up will be banked. The quest armour and weapons will be voted on by a council of the Generals, Guardians and me, majority wins.
Only a select few generals will have access to the clan banks.
We only have a few rules:
•No Begging
•No selling dl+ drops
Hope you all have fun and see you ingame.
Is this an old requirement? <_< Heard its level 100 now. Because if so I am for sure qualified @.@ got lixes for level 100 and have a level 216 warrior on mabon.