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Re: [ RETRANACS ] Make 10 lvls before 2013

Alexxxx came to me in game accusing me of being the poster Crystal saying he has my ip or something.

I know this to be 100% lie as I can tell that i'm not the poster :lol:

Personally I don't give a unfathomable about the rules of any other clan. No offense, but its just none of my business and I would not make a fake account to come here and scold you Alex. If I had an opinion i'd post it, but I REALLY don't care.

As for bringing up stuff with Legends which happened about 16 months ago, I say...why? I don't even remember this far back but I remember the chieftan of Legends kicked me from that clan for not helping him when I had to go then he kill stealed me and sent his minions to ks me as well. One of these minions at the time was your former clanmate Dawnings who you were very mean to. Shag also knows about this. Later the chief of Legends joined TBW as Shag asked me to forgive him and I did. I forgave Broca and I forgave Dawnings. I can drop grudges that happened a long time ago because this is just a game, and it is unhealthy to hold onto bad feelings.

As i have always said, good luck with your clan but also good luck with your life and your goals. Any post you see from me will always have MY name on it. I'm not going to comment on the subject of this post because again, its your clan so run it how you like.

Thanks buddy bear :)

Re: [ RETRANACS ] Make 10 lvls before 2013

About ks, lol u have just accused me of having ksed ur wyvern. Hehehe
So I'm not sure about what is the true fact of the ks u told here

And it's broca having problem with u. Not the whole legends especially those hundreds of low lvls.
Like if I had problem with u, it would be nothing related to other wardens.

While u were shouting and laughing at those low lvls, dawning/lanbean2 was already in the same clan with u. Hehe

Btw. How could u comment that I was mean to her while not she was mean to me first?

Well, not only to me, she was mean to pm, bits etc who trusted her and has just promoted her to be guardian. She has Left without a words and asked others to leave with her. I have helped her start her druid when she was lvl 10+ with 400k stuff including heroic amulet etc just as pay back that she once gave me the ancient boots for free and that was the only big help I have got in noob time.

Now u r telling ppl that I was mean to her. Hehehe.

Seems that talking bad behind is not enough -.- -.- -.-

Re: [ RETRANACS ] Make 10 lvls before 2013

I really have no idea what you're talking about. I guess 16 months ago, in my first ever MMO i've ever played, i was just shouting and laughing like a mad man -.-
It sounds like you just made that up lol but I wouldnt know because it was over a year ago. Maybe you took notes or something? IDK. You also weren't even playing this game when Broca was attacking me, so you don't even know what happened.

The point is what you're saying would have happened so long ago, why did you bring it up in this topic which I never posted in?

Why did you accuse me of being a random guy who is clearly not me saying you have my IP which stella claims is not even possible from a forum?

I don't understand Alex. I did not bother you at all. Why are you saying lies and attacking me?

Re: [ RETRANACS ] Make 10 lvls before 2013

Im not here to steal your members, and you have no idea who I am. I am a old player, who not only plays this MMO, but other popular MMO games Kingdoms of camelot, Arcane empires, and Order and Chaos. I have ran cans in every game, including the #1 clan in kingdoms of camelot. Let me give you - and One Thumb Mobile some advice.

First, One Thumb Mobile has done a great injustice by making the game world so small, and having several servers. Combine this with the fact that you can have 100 clan members, and you get people like YOU. People think "oh I can have a clan with all the powerful people in the server and take all the boss kills and groups and force people to quit a alliance by not grouping them" Don't tell me this is not true, because I have been told this by RETRANACS at the mobs at northern p. You guys had 5 members - room for more - and told me to quit my alliance and join you if i wanted grouped. Thats $hity . One thumb mobile needs to reduce the alliance size down to 50, and merge 1/3 of the servers to stop this.

Secondly, to become the "top" alliance that you seem to be aspiring for, you need to build it without pushing people to play or kicking them out. It may come as a shock to you, but most people DONT want to be in a training alliance, which is basically the rejects from your main alliance you don't have room for. You say you want your alliance to be ready for the new update? Why does it matter based on their level? In my alliance I have always asked for people to not be shy, talk on alliance chat when their on, and everyone must donate items to the lowest levels of the alliance to help. You want people to play at least once every two weeks or something, sure. But telling them gain 10 levels ( basically you gotta play like a hardcore gamer for 2 weeks or buy $20 in exp elix ) is really just bad clan leadership. How do you place a expectation on people to do that when they are casual gamers? What happened if someone was on vacation for the holidays? Would you really kick your best friend out because he is with family and not addicted to his phone like a crack head ( lol i admit i am! )

If you really want to be the best clan in Epona then why don't you be the best clan the right way. Start a clan website with its own forums. Hold monthly events and give out prizes ( like a scavenger hunt ). Start a bank and get your higher level guys to donate items that you can give to your lower level guys to help them ( or at least help the ones who can't spend $$ on the game ). Group everyone, so that others can see how friendly and courteous other RETRACNAC members are, and may want to join.

Again I don't care if your members leave, I know one day they will. EVERY clan I have ever seen that rules like you do always falls. One day a new clan will arise and you will see how much loyalty your members have for you. The purpose of this post is to try and get you to run your clan with more class and less a$$ .

Re: [ RETRANACS ] Make 10 lvls before 2013

2 Things
1 i thought we wernt getting off the actual topic i already got yelled at for that :/
2 i didnt join retra wen u asked me bcuz i was in fairytail at the time and ik its a small clan and stuff but i was in shogun for a while and it would be weird to leave out of the blue and join another clan as i have been in the clan series for god knows how long.
I already denied a couple good clans on crom. Soulsignited which is the second best and valhalla which is the third best. Cuz me and a friend made the clan fairytail there and we dont have to many people but im still staying. (Unless i get into seed which is the best and they said i have a pretty good chance of getting in)

Re: [ RETRANACS ] Make 10 lvls before 2013

Im not here to steal your members, and you have no idea who I am. I am a old player, who not only plays this MMO, but other popular MMO games Kingdoms of camelot, Arcane empires, and Order and Chaos. I have ran cans in every game, including the #1 clan in kingdoms of camelot. Let me give you - and One Thumb Mobile some advice.

First, One Thumb Mobile has done a great injustice by making the game world so small, and having several servers. Combine this with the fact that you can have 100 clan members, and you get people like YOU. People think "oh I can have a clan with all the powerful people in the server and take all the boss kills and groups and force people to quit a alliance by not grouping them" Don't tell me this is not true, because I have been told this by RETRANACS at the mobs at northern p. You guys had 5 members - room for more - and told me to quit my alliance and join you if i wanted grouped. Thats $hity . One thumb mobile needs to reduce the alliance size down to 50, and merge 1/3 of the servers to stop.
Thx for ur advice. We may talk them one by one

I think ur advice may be good for one thumb mobile to make money but may not be good for players

A world of limited resouces with 3 times more players, actually a disaster. Hehe. Ppl have to fight for good boss drops, even fight for training mobs like wyverns. U can find that generally there r much more fights in those big worlds of ch game like sulis, morrigon etc. ks and being ksed happened every min there

Therefor, ppl have to cost a lot to make themselves stronger for fights mainly. Lol. Lots of gold went to OTM. They r laughing. But some players may suffer there

If a world with 3 times players ... We can imagine...
Btw, if we have the members limit of 50, may also cause lots of problems, for example, should we boot a member who seldom play now? How can we invite other new friends of us ? Hehe

Btw, I'm sorry for what our clannies told u. I think it not nice.

Awfully sorry to u! I say sorry for what they have done.

Re: [ RETRANACS ] Make 10 lvls before 2013

Secondly, to become the "top" alliance that you seem to be aspiring for, you need to build it without pushing people to play or kicking them out. It may come as a shock to you, but most people DONT want to be in a training alliance, which is basically the rejects from your main alliance you don't have room for. You say you want your alliance to be ready for the new update? Why does it matter based on their level? In my alliance I have always asked for people to not be shy, talk on alliance chat when their on, and everyone must donate items to the lowest levels of the alliance to help. You want people to play at least once every two weeks or something, sure. But telling them gain 10 levels ( basically you gotta play like a hardcore gamer for 2 weeks or buy $20 in exp elix ) is really just bad clan leadership. How do you place a expectation on people to do that when they are casual gamers? What happened if someone was on vacation for the holidays? Would you really kick your best friend out because he is with family and not addicted to his phone like a crack head ( lol i admit i am! )
Lol. I think u must have misunderstood what I have told.

Well. Im just helping my friends. Friends should help each other. Not what as u think to run a clan to be first.

U know what the strongest clan needs in ch? Hehe. And which is the strongest clan in ch? What's the core competition ability of a clan like we always ask what's the core competence of our business. Hmm. Different worlds have different answers, not only different games though there r always some common essential points.

Btw, as I told I am just helping and not interested in running a clan. I have already coworked with Bits my friend on creating PM and my main is always belonging to pm. Hehe

Which is a better clan? Pm or retranacs or even wardens? Is it inportant? No!

Btw, u havenot even know boss fights rule in epona. So I don't have an idea of lvls. Btw, I cant tell u here something more important at epona. So u could only comment on the apperance. Hehe. I'm sorry

Re: [ RETRANACS ] Make 10 lvls before 2013

If you really want to be the best clan in Epona then why don't you be the best clan the right way. Start a clan website with its own forums. Hold monthly events and give out prizes ( like a scavenger hunt ). Start a bank and get your higher level guys to donate items that you can give to your lower level guys to help them ( or at least help the ones who can't spend $$ on the game ). Group everyone, so that others can see how friendly and courteous other RETRACNAC members are, and may want to join.

Again I don't care if your members leave, I know one day they will. EVERY clan I have ever seen that rules like you do always falls. One day a new clan will arise and you will see how much loyalty your members have for you. The purpose of this post is to try and get you to run your clan with more class and less a$$ .
I have never been a chieftan for im not interested in running a clan. Hehe. But I may help or sometimes have to help friends in running a clan. Since just help a bit, so definitely no aim of being so called 'best' clan.

Have u ever know how we were running PandeMoraniun? I think u have no idea. actually we have been doing nothing and even didnot recuit new members hehe But we have also made it the best clan that we never aimed for. Lol

Maybe it's ur fun and dream of running a clan to be the best. But it's not my fun of game. Anyway, thx for ur advice.

Btw, u may need to check the plan here for detail. U may find it nothing about to being some best clan. Be patient and careful when checking things. Don't get wrong direction

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