And I said that stuff because she went off tellin me that I wasnt liked by my family. I have te freedom to say as i please as long as i dont infringe on ur rights. Now if this is stopping ur ability to live then i can see us having a problem. But I don't see that happening so i guess ur wrong by tellin me not to say this stuff. Just because you buy play and level does not mean that i have to kiss up and call you guys mommy and daddy.
Youre right, you have the right to express how you feel, but you cross the line when you become disrespectful. You mention my name without me saying anything. You comment on what Kat and I do though it has nothing to do with you. I know for a fact neither of us have ever asked for you to "suck up" to us. Nor would I ever ask anyone to suck up to me. And yes I buy plat and am a high level. Doesnt mean I think Im a god or anything. I respect everyone unless they give me a reason not to. You crossed the line and no longer deserve my respect. And on another note, you said your life was worthless. No life is worthless. Maybe before you can be happy, you need to be happy with yourself. Life is too short to get upset over a game.