Remember what happened last time when changes were proposed to Aggragoth fights here on the forum? Hatred and vitriol! Well, we're hoping for less drama this time and think we have created a couple of rules which will benefit Eponians in our quest to defeat Mordris.
The following clan (by alphabetical order) leaders/chieftans drafted the proposed rules (with help from a few trusted advisers):
Tuncan (Anarchy)
Stella (Armegeddon)
Alyssandra (Genesis)
Bits (PandeMoanium)
Help everyone get full DL (including offhand and weapon) so Epona can take Mordris down
Every week that we don't kill her is another week lost that our server is not benefitting from Mordris drops. If all high levels had full dl now, our server could defeat Mordris. Let's all work together to achieve this goal.
Reduce the conflicts people have experienced at DL boss fights
Sometimes people have been unfair in grouping and have been limiting group size in order to maximize their chance at getting drops. Let's level the playing field and make it fair for all.
Without further ado, here are the proposed changes:
Easy, right?---Requirements for DL Bosses---
---Optional for DL Bosses---
- * If there are more than 8 people at a DL Boss, everyone who is at least 10 levels below that boss who is present (and not afk) rolls for the drop.
* Each player rolls the dice to receive drops within his/her class if the player needs the drop.
- * If you win a DL drop you do not need, consider giving it to another player who needs it.
I will delve a bit deeper on each of these now:
If there are more than 8 people at a DL Boss, everyone who is at least 10 levels below that boss who is present (and not afk) rolls for the drop.
This solves the issue of 10 people camping and 2 being excluded after the boss pops. Every person who is present and not afk and who meets the level requirement will get to roll the dice.
Each player rolls the dice to receive drops within his/her class if the player needs the drop.
This one is a bit more complicated. Our main objective is to outfit the folks on our server to be able to defeat Mordris. If your player is already equipped with full Dragonlord gear (congrats!), you will not roll for DL drops very often.
Say a group of 8 people defeats a DL boss and the the drops three yellows.
The rangers who need the drops for DL gear will roll the dice once for each drop. Easy enough.
However, if none of the rangers present need the yellow drops, everyone gets one roll for each drop, regardless of class. Whoever wins may trade, sell, or better yet, give the drop to someone who needs it. Either way, nobody will make you give up that drop if you don't want to.
Lastly, if there is only one ranger at the fight and the ranger needs all the drops, all drops go to the ranger. (lucky!) This is perfectly inline with outfitting our people in preparation for Mordris.
These rules in no way change non-DL bosses. Otherworld/Stonevale/Lirs/Aggragoth groupings remain as they are. This only pertains to mobs which drop DL items (this includes 5*, BTW).If you win a DL drop you do not need, consider giving it to another player who needs it.
The optional rule is in place to encourage people to help others. Your drops are yours to do with as you will, but let's band together and kill that horrible dragon! This may cut into your profits if you were making gold by selling drops, but think of all the gold you'll make selling your aggragoth loot you will no longer need now that you have drops from Mordris.
We have a few more ideas that we're wrestling with which may or may not come at a later date. Will post again when we have a better idea.
Thanks for reading and please post your thoughts.
Hate in vitriol in 3...2...1...

Mercy bird coop,