Celtic Heroes

The Official Forum for Celtic Heroes, the 3D MMORPG for iOS and Android Devices

Don't Trust

The accounts name is either *Name Removed*, but either way he/she is not to be trusted. He/she is also selling my armor (or she already sold it, I don't know), to anyone.

On a different note, I hope all you Eponians had a merry Christmas! Catch you guys later. :D

Re: Don't Trust

Hey Ascrod i just hopped back on from a long few weeks of work to find everyone calling me a scammer and getting pushed out of boss groups and people cussing me, i sent your pathfinder bp and legs to your warrior (ascrod) if u will log on and somehow prove u didnt get it ill start farming to buy it for you back. Thanks and be seeing you later

Re: Don't Trust

I'm afraid you didn't send it to me Clarry. I recieved nothing from you but a message saying "Log on it's important". What did you want to say?

Re: Don't Trust

Clarissa.. I went throught this.. I had an alt and someone made on similar to the name.. They went around flaming to be me and was scamming people.. Funny thing is I was gone that whole week! Gotta love CH.. I quit acouple weeks after for acouple months.. Everyone forget except one person.. 'Hey.. Aren't you the one that scamme people and said you did'.. Meow..

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