Celtic Heroes

The Official Forum for Celtic Heroes, the 3D MMORPG for iOS and Android Devices

Re: The Black Watch - New Clan

:mrgreen: So, for any clan members who read the forums, I have an announcement to make... :mrgreen:

Fullcircle, the first clansman and first guardian of TheBlackWatch (TBW), has decided to start a new clan of his own. However, since he so enjoyed his experience with TBW he has decided that his new clan will be an affiliate/branch of our clan. The name of this new clan is TheFortyTwa (TFT), which is a nickname that is often used to refer the The Black Watch Royal Highland Regiment of Scotland, from which our clan name derives. According to Fullcircle, TheFortyTwa will not have a minimum level for admitance like TBW (currently level 40+ with some exceptions) but they will hold to most of the basic guidlines of TBW that I have outlined in this thread. From what I gather he will accept anyone that he sees fit to join...

At present, there are no official in-game means of affiliating our clans, I am hopeful that in the future there will be more clan management options available that will allow us to do so. In the meantime, I will do my best to keep forum readers and clan members apprised of the goings-on in both 'regiments'! Hopefully FullCircle will create a thread of his own in time to keep track of TFT's activities and policies.

I will also mention the FullCircle has extended an invitation to members of TBW to join his clan, and if any members choose to do so, they may switch organizations and still remain in good standing with TBW and with my blessings. That being said, I am not forcing anyone to switch, and am happy to keep all members who choose to stay. :D

In time, as both our membership grows, I may try to take stock of the various time zones of our membership in order to suggest a clan that is best suited to everyone's schedules/preferences. This may, in the future, also result in further branches/offshoots, especially for European members (and as our numbers rise).

:!: Since our two clans, The Black Watch and The Forty Twa, already draw on a rich and well-established military tradition (not only in Scotland, but also Canada), I was thinking that I should create ranks, battalions, regiments and so on. Who cares if the game only lists Cheiftains, Guardians, and Clansmen? We might as well have some fun with this!! :D

I will have to do a bit of research as I am not a military historian... :( and poll our membership to determine what types of rankings/divisions would be appropriate, but in the meantime, I would like to hear everyone's thoughts...

:!: The floor is now open for discussion :!:

Your Cheiftain, Shaggadelic

Nemo Me Impune Lacessit
"No One Provokes Me With Impunity"

Re: The Black Watch - New Clan

Finally! (is it just me or is the website a bit slow?)

I like this idea, the splitting of clans. Although I do wonder what the cap for TBW will be.
Level 81 Druid on Epona
Guardian of The Black Watch

Begin at the beginning and go on until you come to the end: then stop.
-The King of Hearts

Re: The Black Watch - New Clan

Since Fullcircle has decided to go it alone and bequeath The Forty Twa to me (MsShaggadelic the druid is the new chieftain), I am considering using this clan as a proving/training ground for all new applicants to The Black Watch. Last night I had two players ask if they could join TBW, so I let them in TFT to start - Cora also sent her rogue, Taieun, to help me keep an eye on things over there (if anyone in TBW has any lower level chars, or chars they rarely use, and would like to send them over to help manage these recruits, let me or Cora know.

The two new hopefuls are: Dracullia and SirLazleth

Show these guys the ropes if you see them online, and help them out if you can. Thanks.


Re: The Black Watch - Clan Rules

Firstly, it's Amilyah! I don't know if you or anyone is reading this anymore but here it goes!

Jezzy said something about helping new Druids? My Druid "Amilyah" is now lvl 36, added to TheBlackWatch I think cause I mentioned my lvl 53 Rogue, Lutin!
I never had help levelling my Druid besides this one time when Cora and IanBean2 helped me lvl back when my Druid was lvl 21, I have been included into groups, mainly to help with bosses!
Do I need to remind other people that my Druid is only lvl 36? I just can't keep getting begged to help with bosses tho I will try, just that I may die fairly easy!

I am looking for help in levelling, would anyone know the best way for a lvl 36 Druid to lvl up fast? On my own preferably? with helping aides? Maybe? I really do need help with levelling my Druid, I want to be strong enough to help and do my fair share with bosses! ATM I'm trying to lvl up using quest experience, lame right? HELP MEE!
Character Names/Class:


Always remember me as LUTIN!

Re: The Black Watch - Clan Rules

Hey good to see that u are on the forums u can train in catatombs till u are lvl 45 or something then try to train in stonevale on farys or boars and when somewhan helps u of lvl 67-75 u can get à lot of exp of the druids and soaps Ans unicorns hopes this helps i can possibly help u when we both are onnline
Fighter, rogue
Clan: Anarchy

Proud owner of epona's first doch gul bp :D

Re: The Black Watch - Clan Rules

Since I will be beginning my first round of promotions from TheFortyTwa to TheBlackWatch over the next few days, I thought I would update and simplify the clan rules. Here they are:

:!: Rule 1: Don't swear, be polite, and respect your elders ;) In short be mannerly at all times, not only to your clannies but to others in the world.

This includes clan chat, say, and shout boards. What you say in whisper is your own business, but I warn you not to be abusive to people in private chats - if someone reports you for innapropriate whispering, I will not come running to your aide (since I can't verify anything said in whisper, unless said to or by me). They are also new chat moderation features being implemented in update 3, which may result in players being 'muted', kicked, or banned, if they are flagrant offenders. Minor epithets are not usually a big deal, just remember that there are kids playing this game!

:!: Rule 2 Be nice!

Try to be helpful and friendly to clannies, and others, as much as possible. Share the space, and try to communicate with others when creating boss runs or training in high traffic areas. (I will add to this once i think of some more good examples...) That being said, you don't have to LIKE or even be FRIENDS with everyone in the clan, you just have to be polite (see rule 1) and 'nice'. Noone in the clan is required to group with other clannies if they don't want to, and new members should not expect that everyone is gonna warm up to them immediately either! Over time, everyone will get to know one another and friendships will form - but it takes TIME. Remember that TBW is a long-standing and is (now) fairly large in size. Treat the clan as you would your office, or school - you don't have to like everyone, but we are all in this mess together so lets act like adults and get on with it!

Also, I have no interest in starting wars with other clans or individuals within on Epona. Unless some seriously sinister bunch of players really want to ruin the game by being jerks, I doubt this will ever change. So, if this is your agenda, you might want to start looking for a new home... As for internal conflicts, I encourage you to settle your disputes as best you can on your own, up to and including blocking each other if that is what is necessary. You may come to me if you seek advice or arbitration, but I do not guarantee I will be able to help, nor do I want to spend all my time playing the mediator.

:!: Rule 3 Have fun!

Self-explanitory. Plays hard if you like, but let's keep the vibe as casual and HUMOROUS as possible - it is just good for morale. Also, if you are finding that you are not having much fun, consider putting down your device and going outside for some fresh air - it does a body good... Also bear in mind that, while many of our members are what you might call 'hard-core' gamers, many of us also have jobs, families, and social lives that exists outside of Epona. I like to encourage you all to remember that REAL LIFE is more important than CH-life, so prioritize accordingly.

:!: Rule 4 To the victor goes the spoils!

If you get a drop in game, it is yours to do with what you will. No member is EVER required to give up an item drop that they receive to ANY OTHER PLAYER/CLANNIE, under ANY circumstances. If you wish to share the wealth, I applaud you, but you are not obligated to give away your stuff to anyone, regardless of their level or rank. If someone is telling you that you MUST, then you should let me know. If someone offers to help you defeat a boss in EXCHANGE for a drop, this is allowed, but they should work out these details prior to grouping with you. If you enter into this sort of arrangement, I would encourage you to do the honorable thing and abide by it, but I do not want members to feel like extortion victims...

:!: Rule 5 Until further notice, all New Recruits must be join TheFortyTwa for a brief evaluation period, unless they have my expressed permission stating otherwise. The minimum level for entry to TheBlackWatch is level 70, or 60 for alts, unless authorized by yours truly. There is no minimum level to enter TheFortyTwa, and all members over level 30 are automatically promoted to guardian.

There is no entry fee to join, although I would graciously accept the donation of 1 leystone fragment if you can part with one! I go through a ton of those puppies! :lol:

These rules are subject to change without any notice, and while the original rules are now officially defunct, the spirit of those rules remain. I am easy to get along with, and also realize that enforcement of any rules is tricky at best - but remember - I love this game, and I love this clan, so don't rile this friendly giant, or your time with us will be short lived! Lastly, although I have the final say on all decisions, if anyone has any suggestions to improve the rules or clan life in general, then I am all ears. Holla!

Re: The Black Watch - Clan Rules

Thank you shagg! I'm glad to see this post up and running again!

We are a great clan! I was disappointed on how things turned out at first from the beginning of Update 2, everyone has turned to greed!
Yes frags and meteor drops are rare, but please hold together! This clan needs to stay strong! We lost a lot of good players like Jezzy cause of greed, I hope it doesn't get worse when this update arrives!

Wow reading one of my first posts from way back when I first joined the forum, does sound a lil funny!
I have grown a lot!
Character Names/Class:


Always remember me as LUTIN!

Re: The Black Watch - Clan Rules

Well said shagg the man I'm really gunned of rule number 3 hav fun. And take breaks lol that's wat I'm doin now no need to rush. Remember hav fun u don't hav to stay up all night on a game tryin to lvl Celtic will there the next day don't get personal life mixed of with Celtic world it will b there think about lik this at some point we all will reach a point where we can no longer lvl then wat u did all that hard work then nothing to do beaten up all bosses ur as high as lvl can b with the best armour money can buy in game then it will happen u will get bored nothing to do nothing to get u going so take ur time all o and remember this believe it r not this gam has a lvl cap now well it's said r not no one will b able to solo bosses it's a group game now since update so for those of u tryin do hard to catch of to alexxxx u will do it there will b a time when he reaches the end point of lvling n the game for non of us will b able to solo bosses and gam xp if even so the xp will b to small to do he will never b able to lvl that's called the end point because ones u reach it there's nothing else don't rush move at ur pace not there's . Shag and I wish u good luck to man if I'd had the chance and u met my first I'd join ur clan and I'd b very honored as to hav such a good leader as u ( ur smart,calm ,cool , collective and trust worthy) u even help me when non of my clan members were on helm my with transfers an such lol with my stuff u could hav ran off and b very rich n gam lol so I thank u . Others that helped lupawolf ,don,nibbly,alexxxx, zeniod,stella( I call her stelly),and heronics all trust worthy players.thank u all happy hunting

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