Hello TBW members! Three points of order to address here, read up!
1. It has come to my attention that, for a variety of reasons (or inexplicably) many of our clanmates have appeared to have stopped playing CH. It is unclear whether or not these absences are temporary or permanent, but I want to make it know that I do not intend on removing ANY players from our roster at this time (in case they return). Hopefully, our long lost members will return to the fold, but if not, I wish them all the best! That being said, I will probably try to ramp up our recruiting process a bit so we can muster forces to compete with the bosses.
2. On that note, it has also come to my attention that some of our membership may be getting a bit 'pushy'/'whiney' when it comes to requesting the assistance of others in tackling the bosses. Not only has this has led to some people becoming a bit frustrated/annoyed which may be contributing to point 1 (above), please remember that this behaviour contravenes TBW policies on whining, being nice to others, and so on. I also don't want players begging for cash to buy their armor/weapons, so if you have been doing this - cut it out! If you have not read the clan rules, or are getting foggy on them, please read them here:
http://www.onethumbmobile.com/celticher ... bd9e#p7152
3. Everrunner has offered to try organize boss runs. If you are interested, please check the clan msg board in game, email her and tell her when the best times for this are for you. Please post preffered times in EST (Eastern Standard Time)
PS: As a means of keeping Epona's forum nice and tidy, please post all boss kills under "The Black Watch News Feed" ok?