by Shaggadelic
Just so everyone is up to speed, I realize that many people want to join TBW as of late. There may be opportunity to join us this month, and over the summer. but I urge all interested to be patient. I do not operate on the instant-fix schedule that many people are used to - I take my sweet time with just about everything and recruiting is no different.
We are also approaching the maximum clan size that I am comfortable with, so I am a bit hesitant to grow our ranks much more than they already are, at least until I can confer with my Guardians and Generals first to see how they think we should proceed.
Frankly, what I am really interested in is growing TheFortyTwa a lot more, in order to make a place for the new crop of Stonevale/Shalemont denizens to communicate with us (when we are logged into our TFT chars) and each other in order to make the most of their gaming experience. TFT is guided by the same principles as TBW, but not a stringent with rules and code of conduct. There is also NO LEVEL REQUIRMENT to join.
TFT will also likely hold many more opportunities for advancement and promotion for newcomers, and it is likely the only place where you will be able to invite all your friends (if you wish to do so). TBW is, and always will be, very selective with regard to its membership, so don't expect us to invite 10 of your best pals just because we have brought you into our ranks. As much as I would love to take everyone at their word that so-and-so is a great person, but I just can't.
Quite frankly, there have been quite a few people invited to TBW recently who I hardly know at all, and who I rarely see, so getting to know them better will be my priority over the summer.