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IMPORTANT READ THIS epona is free server. Only rules is otm's rule you need follow

Posted: Wed Sep 08, 2021 1:15 pm
"Zone/Area Disruption
This refers to language and/or actions which are intended to disturb a player/groups of players or areas of the game world, such as:

Disrupting player-sponsored events or gatherings.
An excessive casting of spells which have noticeable effects in a crowded area.
Blocking access to an NPC, door, or area of the game that a player would normally be able to access"

Miranda22/kami/DP-Dark prince/skraz/dyna are breaking otms rules the time they made ridiculous server rules no one needs to follow...
They aren't owners of one gaming server ...

So pls don't be afraid of them... Play in your way in epona and enjoy your Celtic way.

They scare u off with personally"bann list"

If you doesn't use the gear required items they listed themselves that is neede to go bossing in one FREE faming server...

And worst they made up rule what lvl you need to be to kill any bosses in one again...FREE gaming server.......

In wechat I trigged them with purpose to add me on bann list and randomly said "I bought toon for cash"

"Took miranda22 eg toon 1min to add my toons name on they're personal bann list. Without any evidence from trade or chat where it got through with seller or buyer"...
So I randomly said I bought but in truth I never did xd... I buy platinum like alot other players do.
So eg toons of epona where is the proves?

So amigos who read have fun and dont care... Go make awsome guilds and have fun without caring about thees 220 lvl players who think they are kings and queens of epona where they made list for gear you need to have and whaever lvl you must be before allowed to go bossing with friends...

Cheers and enjoy your Celtic journey.