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Black Watch Birthday Celebration Ideas

Posted: Sat Jun 23, 2012 2:45 pm
by Shaggadelic
Around the middle/end of July, our clan will be turning 1 year old. I would love to hold some sort of weekend-long celebration probably on the 2nd or 3rd weekend of July, to thank all of our members past and present!

On the other hand it is not that easy to hold such a virtual birthday event in such a way that people will participate, it is difficult to get large numbers on at the same time, and so on...

SO, with that in mind, I would love to have members (and former members) suggest their ideas for how to proceed with a Black Watch Birthday! Let's brainstorm people!!! :D

Re: Black Watch Birthday Celebration Ideas

Posted: Sun Jun 24, 2012 4:20 am
by Rikitt
Hey shaggy ! Just came back to Epona a few days ago.

Honestly I dont have any ideas lol, but would like to join in on it :)

Re: Black Watch Birthday Celebration Ideas

Posted: Sun Jun 24, 2012 2:16 pm
by FighterEpona
Hi shag first of all alrady congratz on having a clan for almost a year :D

Here are mayby some ideas

You try to get so much people on as possible and go to the arena, there you make groups and the fight against each other one a time till te 2 best groups are left and they fight eacht other and the winning group would get a reward or something

Or you get everyone to the arena and do a free for all and the last one standing would win a reward or something ;d

You can try to make your own quest like get 5 specific items (hard to gain) and the one who got them first and shows them would win the game.

You can olso let each Race (druid - warrior - rogue - mage - ranger) Fight it own race in arena and the last one standing would win the game.

If i get more ideas i will post them ;d

Re: Black Watch Birthday Celebration Ideas

Posted: Tue Jun 26, 2012 10:14 pm
by Xylaphone
I'm lost for any good ideas but something came into my mind... perhaps a running race all the way from, for example the beach in lirs to perhaps the stonevale farm? with no speed boots, travelling pots or fast travelling allowed.

Re: Black Watch Birthday Celebration Ideas

Posted: Wed Jun 27, 2012 4:54 am
by LCooK94
lol how about u guys sing happy b day in the ow :)

Re: Black Watch Birthday Celebration Ideas

Posted: Fri Jul 06, 2012 12:54 pm
by TrinstnKaoz
Shagg a good idea for the birthday celebration would be a free for all arena touranment fight just clan members only be fun for us all :D

Re: Black Watch Birthday Celebration Ideas

Posted: Mon Jul 30, 2012 3:00 pm
by Shaggadelic
Hi all, I posted the following in the general discussion area under "A Call to (community) Arms)" and am reposting it here to try to drum up some excitement. I realize I kinda dropped the ball on the TBW B-day celebrations, but alas, real life sometimes gets in the way.

In the immortal words of Scottish poet Robbie Burns, "The best laid plans of mice and men gang aft agley!" (Look it up if you need a translation... :lol: )

Anywho, since tomorrow is the last day of July, I was thinking I would try to get some partying on the go before the new summer event content rolls out, so read the following and lets party!:
The last two weeks of July, TheBlackWatch on Epona has been celebrating its one-year anniversary - well, sort of anyway... We had a nice little dance party in the castle courtyard about two weeks ago, followed by a balloon release (that didn't quite have to oomph I was hoping for) which was then followed by us clearing out the arena in a lot of chaos and carnage.

Then alas, I had some real life issues which put me out of the party mood. This, combined with my incessant hunt for a black party hat (which I just got today after collecting about 1100 cakes or so) sorta put a damper on our festivities.

Anyhoo, seeing how tomorrow is the last day in July I am thinking that I will try to hold a few gatherings tomorrow to celebrate our clan's birthday as well as the b-day of CH. All citizens of Epona are welcome to attend, particularly current and former members of TheBlackWatch (there are a lot of you!).

Perhaps we can actually have a truly HUGE mass balloon release, and that whole naked run across Lirs sounds fun too. Perhaps starting at the docks and ending at the beach for a dance party!

Hope to see you all tomorrow, stay classy Epona, and Long Live TBW!

Shaggadelic (Chieftain of TBW)

Re: Black Watch Birthday Celebration Ideas

Posted: Mon Jul 30, 2012 6:28 pm
by Shaggadelic

Community has asked me to send a link to any pictures of our birthday events (if they exist). I am not really handy with the screenshots and so forth, but if anyone has any pics and/or a photobucket dump for em, let me know if you are willing to let community use them in next weeks community update.

I would also love it if some ppl can take pics of any events that happen tomorrow.
