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The Black Watch - News Feed

Posted: Wed Sep 07, 2011 7:21 pm
by Shaggadelic
Hello TBW members!

I am creating this thread to keep folk apprised of clan event, business, and happenings.

As many of you have noticed we have added a few new members in the last week or so, and that many of them are below the level 40 requirement I originally set out for the clan. Several of these chars are secondary char of active members, which is why I waived the restriction. Also, the ballooning membership of Broca's clan 'Legends' has made me think that my level requirement may be too restrictive, and I have since let in some new players in their level 30s... I am thinking that level 30-35 may be a better number to use, but would like to hear from the clan before I make any official changes to the clan rules.

One thing that I would like to point out to everyone in the clan is that TBW and Legends are NOT rivals or in any kind of feud. I get along fine with their chieftain Broca and most (if not all) of his membership. We here at The Black Watch would appreciate it greatly if certain member of Legends would stop badmouthing/harassing one of my valued members, namely BurgerKing, but other than that - things are peachy keen between our groups! (you know who you are ;) )

Lastly, it appears as though the beta testing of the second update will begin tomorrow, and as such, I may be conspicuosly absent from Epona over the next week. Don't worry, I have not forsaken you!! I will pop in from time to time to give you some sneak peeks from the beta, and to hopefully level my main char up to 60 before the update goes live... :D

In the meantime, I will leave my trusted inner circle of Jezzy, Cora and Fighter in charge while I am away! (please post and clan events you may schedule on here so I can drop in to check it out)

Have fun, play safe, and be nice to one another!

Your fearless leader,

Re: The Black Watch - News Feed

Posted: Thu Sep 08, 2011 11:51 am
by Shaggadelic
Hi again! I have two things that I want to mention:

1. First off, it appears that the beta version of the game which I will likely begin testing this evening will overwrite my current 'live' version of Celtic Heroes (the one everyone is currently playing). This means that I will not be able to pop in an out of Epona while beta testing is underway, as I had hoped... :(
I may hold off on downloading it for one more day just so I can talk to people before venturing off to Beta world.

2. Second, I was online a few moments ago and I noticed that there is a character named 'theblackwatch' who was, at the time, a level ten mage and NOT a member of our clan. I chatted with him briefly and asked him how he came up with his handle, to which he replied 'my brother told me it'. I asked if he played also, and he replied 'no'. I told him that it seemed highly coincidental that he or his brother would randomly pick a char name identical to our clan name, which he didn't have much to say about, and then he asked me for mage gear... Now, I don't know what the deal is with this guy - I haven't seem him up to anything nefarrious and I SUPPOSE, he could have picked his name without knowing of our clan, but I find this unlikely (he claimed this was his only char).

Whatever the case, let it be stated that the mage known as theblackwatch is not a member of the clan, nor is he one of my secondary chars. I don't want someone impersonating me, or any other clan members, while I am away...

Re: The Black Watch - News Feed

Posted: Fri Sep 09, 2011 6:49 pm
by FighterEpona
Hey shag i am fighter, Thanks for trust and good luck with beta i didnt saw that Guy called "TheBlackWatch" just whanted to tell that it isnt my little brother i will keep my eyes open for him and i go try to find from who hè got THE name but can it be that hè has made an chat and saw your clan made an new whan and called himself "TheBlackWatch"? I will see you after beta (hope i am lvl 60 then :D) and i saw those new members they are Nice players but may i let some lvl 30+ players in our clan when i find them? See ya later shag :D

World epona
Fighter lvl 59 rogou
Fighter2 lvl 22 mage

Re: The Black Watch - News Feed

Posted: Fri Sep 09, 2011 6:50 pm
by FighterEpona
Chat = char type wrong :|

Re: The Black Watch - News Feed

Posted: Fri Sep 09, 2011 7:41 pm
by Shaggadelic
I am not too concerned about the mage known as theblackwatch... he is just a fanboy i guess :lol: I just wanted to make sure he wasn't misrepresenting himself as a member of the clan.

Imitation is the highest form of flattery anyway!

Re: The Black Watch - News Feed

Posted: Fri Sep 09, 2011 8:01 pm
by FighterEpona
Ok i Will let u know when hè is saying that hè is member or something ( so jalous that u get beta :? )

Re: The Black Watch - News Feed

Posted: Fri Sep 09, 2011 11:36 pm
by Shaggadelic
I jumped on the beta application pretty quick and got in under the wire - dragonwarrior.

My advice would be to catch up to me on the race to 60 while I am away (I have about 1/5 left! :P ). Stockpile gems and gold and gear (there will be tons of new stuff to buy when you enter the new areas), and contribute to these forums and post bugs when the update goes live (there is no way we can flag all bugs in a week, and harder still for the developers to fix ALL of them). This may help your chances of getting on the next round of beta applicants when they need more...

TIDBIT of the day: There are potions that drastically increase/decrease your chars size as well as edible muchrooms you can harvest (lots of em too) that have special effects. Some more expressive emotes will be available also! The combat animations need some work, but at least there are some flashes and bangs now!!

Re: The Black Watch - News Feed

Posted: Sat Sep 10, 2011 8:15 am
by FighterEpona
Yea WOW u level fast now but i am so bored because ND got work and u are in betta i almost dont see somewhan aroand so dont play i need prbly 9/10 to go lol
i saw some pictures of beta i like them :) I sold al my gems etc :? i hope i get much of them but when u sell your stuff u be buzzy man 1434 items thats very much.

See ya around shag

Your gaurdian Fighter

Re: The Black Watch - News Feed

Posted: Sat Sep 10, 2011 7:27 pm
by FighterEpona
3/4 to go :D :D :D getting close to u :twisted:

Re: The Black Watch - News Feed

Posted: Sun Sep 11, 2011 3:16 am
by TKarasu
Good thing I've been hoarding gems then... We miss you Shag!