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Eqona gangsters?
Posted: Wed Nov 21, 2012 3:51 pm
by be0wulf
Would anyone aggree that eqona is the world for the gangster mobs? Seems like there is always a war here...
Re: Eqona gangsters?
Posted: Thu Nov 22, 2012 8:51 am
by osmankaanfenoscu
dude now ıll tell u a story: yesterday ı bought some ıtems for my druıd from lozzzzzzzz druıd. then asked hım to transfer quıckly. he saıd yes. when my druıd logged on ı traded hım and ın the trade he saıd "give your old ıtems" ı saıd no becos ı padıd 6k for those ıtems. but my ıtems were on hım so ı had no choıce ı gave my old ıtems back. no one trust lozzzzzzzzzzzzz theyre bros. so one of em is trustable ı thınk.
Re: Eqona gangsters?
Posted: Thu Nov 22, 2012 8:51 am
by osmankaanfenoscu
and thx for transferıng energisatıon