Wow u aren't brightest r u?.... Scamming is just well for...
*losers who are jealous
*people too lazy to get gold on there own
* and most of all its pathetic everyone hates scammers if u wanna scam just QUIT THE GAME dont ruin other peoples gaming life's just because u too lazy do for your self while u think its cool and awesome free stuff your devastating someone else who worked hard for there stuff
Oh Skyler you aren't the brightest globe on the Xmas tree yourself.
Did you read his OP ? He is using Sarcasm to emphasis a point.
And his follow up post, did you read that?
He is mad a warning screen shot about a newish type of scam was deleted.
Crstalistic made a great post and it was deleted.
To misuse Emile Zola - OTM.......J'Accuse !!!
Landoril 221 Ranger
Denoril 170 Rogue
Hateril. Hat holder
Pageril...well you get the idea
Epona (The little server that could)