Posted: Thu Mar 21, 2013 9:59 pm
I dont necessarily have a prob with arena unless the same people attack over and over. I understand if they r within lvl but if I am waiting for a quest. I don't want to be killed and have my spot taken. Lol I also don't understand why people like 50 lvls over mr kill me for no reason. I have no prob with people killing me as long as I'm done my quest. That's what the arena was made for. But, I do not like how they will block this topic on forums because it's aim is to start an argument, when the arena is the sole reason we r arguing. I feel the arena quest was just a bad idea, because stupid people don't know how to control themselves while they r there. On a side note the "momma" jokes r getting old. My mother had multiple diseases and has seizures all the time. She is basically dying right in front of me. The arena isn't a he said she said, or about right and wrong. It's about taking responsibilty for yourself and keeping ur problems to a whisper. Thnx for reading guys