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Wow just wow

Posted: Sat Mar 23, 2013 2:49 am
by XscytheX
I quit a awhile ago an yeah i miss most of you but checking this forum recently i saw some of the changes.

Really with the forum moderators your rules really suck oh i cant do CAPS. Iv played real mmos way better and there forums were good only rules were like no racist comments and just common sense things.

And all the talk. About scammers OTM needs to ban these people if theres more then a fair share complaining.

And then these new people being as holes to all the old very nice player like in a post i just commented on about a godly item. Be nice to then and maybe you'll get somewere.

I say most of you should come play mmos with me like a Pokemon mmo or flyff or the dozens of other free mmos

So to most of you hello been awhile.
To th rest of you eat it just put it all in and garggle the marbles

Re: Wow just wow

Posted: Sat Mar 23, 2013 7:03 am
by Chelseam2
I am older than he is and we all know you are his only friend. :)