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New Aggra rule or what?

Posted: Fri Apr 05, 2013 10:58 am
by Crast
Today we killed aggra, when we started some one came a bit late(just when we started)
Ok after a long battle we killed it, now time to roll.
The persoon who came late(she/he even said she/he came when we started already) there for may not roll acording to new rule "we all" agreed on...
But Mr. Tanked and Mr/Mrs late persoon keeps on saying the roll count cause im tank tank call the shots...
If we Insom would have came 1sec late we may not roll...
Now the late persoon won and tank said its ok but we argue a bit then late persoon decided its not worth it, and let paladinknight get the drop as he had helped from start and rolled a bit lower then late persoon

And if im hated for writing this or saying that in game be my guest...

Re: New Aggra rule or what?

Posted: Fri Apr 05, 2013 12:13 pm
by massadu73
who was tank ?
who was the late guy?
what was drops ?
pm me if you can't write it plz :)

Re: New Aggra rule or what?

Posted: Fri Apr 05, 2013 2:25 pm
by Chelseam2
Yeah pm me too. =o

Re: New Aggra rule or what?

Posted: Fri Apr 05, 2013 5:15 pm
by BurgerKing
Too bad I was asleep for this lol

See part of the point of the new rules is to avoid situations such as this. If we all find common ground to agree on, you just refer to the rule and the dispute is settled. In the example you brought up, if we left it how it is then its subjective so you may have Insom discriminated while another clan gets an advantage. Referring to the rules, everyone is equal.

Glad Insom is enjoying using the rules to your advantage now. Lets hope this is not a selective application of the rules and more of an acceptance.

But yea I do agree with you. If there's a tank that hates you guys, you are more likely to be screwed over. The point of those rules was the protection of all players.

After the few people coming out and blaming Wardens for rules agreed on by 4 clans, its actually been more Wardens excluded than any other clan o.O

Anyway play nice, play fair, and try to get along :D

Re: New Aggra rule or what?

Posted: Fri Apr 05, 2013 10:29 pm
by KaraK
I was the late person, i got there just after the fight had begun and i haven't been on for a while because i was sick with mono. I didnt take a drop, even tho im pretty sure i did a fair amount of the damage in the fight, and i rolled a winning number. I didnt think it was that big of a deal and left ow after i felt like i was being bullied by Crast. It is just a game. I was excited because i dont have ANY of the elite agg or godly pieces. I hope you are satisfied with blowing the whole thing out of proportion Crast. Im giving you a small window of opportunity to be sweet to me, if you can't do that, i plan to block you. Im not interested in having silly drama over a game.


Re: New Aggra rule or what?

Posted: Sat Apr 06, 2013 2:37 pm
by LCooK94
im sick of insom talking trash about agg rules who cares u blow this out of proportion first tank is first in command i dont see crast or pal tanking if u want change tank second if tank says the person can roll u dont fuss about it

the agg before this its funny how a certain mage 157 rolled twice she broke the rule thats bs lol maybe she should use that roll for the next one lol o u dont complain crast when ur own clan breaks the rule but when another clan does u do

im trying to find whos most greedy cookie-wardens-insom-levy?

:lol: :lol: :lol:

Re: New Aggra rule or what?

Posted: Sat Apr 06, 2013 9:07 pm
by Chelseam2
Lady how much hp was left when you arrived?

Re: New Aggra rule or what?

Posted: Sun Apr 07, 2013 3:07 am
by Crast
Uhmm cook when she "broke" the "rule" was i there? And if she didnt get drop i dont see how she broke the rule...
Any other pointless things tou wanna point out?

Re: New Aggra rule or what?

Posted: Sun Apr 07, 2013 3:18 am
by Crast
Bullied Lady? I just said its not fair if you came late and may still win, i we would have done it they would have said "the new rule" says if you sre late even if tank had just put aggra at hes spot that means your late no roll... We insom had the same prob a member of your clan said well its not our fault the only one who was in new rule making group thingy didnt explain to your clan the new rules...
Well im sorry they didnt inform you the new rules...

Ps thats the same way your clan handle with us, im sorry it was you who had taken the hit seeing that your always nice and friendly to me and so on... But it was only fair if all apply to the "new rule"