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Current State of Epona

Posted: Mon Jun 13, 2016 3:37 pm
by Somber
As of right now, Epona has become somewhat of a ghost town regarding bosses. It didn't happen solely from this event, but leading up to it more and more people were becoming inactive. Real life calls, we get that, school is ending and families are leaving on vacations. Awesome.

The issue we are having is with getting enough people to bosses, or the right classes to bosses. For those that are still active or even semi-active this is tough because what used to be a Necro kill with 2 pages of toons, has turned into barely being able to get a full page. What once took a short amount of time to get organized and Necro started, he now stands for hours mocking us.

We have many players who can, and are willing to dual/tri-device in order to fulfill the necessary spots needed for a smooth kill. With more people being inactive, this is making things much harder because we have to rely on multi-boxers even more.

What recompense do we give these people? We call them greedy for wanting to roll for both classes? We call them names? Do we thank them for using double the play items so that as a server we can actually kill a boss and all have a chance at drops?

I think that we need to reevaluate our current situation and how we deal with people multi-devicing at bosses.

Would we rather see a boss up for days, just because we don't want to compensate someone for pulling double the weight?

Or would we rather find a solution that benefits everyone so that bosses actually die in a somewhat reasonable timeframe?

I think that something needs to be done.

Let's open this up for ideas and get some solid conversation and discussion going. Please leave any personal feelings towards players out of this. Being that we are an "open" world, please think about the greater good of the server, not just your own personal feelings towards a player or clan.

One suggestion I have is this:

If we are lacking a tank/Druid/dps etc, and someone is able to dual device the needed character, let them roll for both classes in attendance, HOWEVER, their secondary roll cannot be a full value roll.

Example: BowTech is at necro on his ranger, awesome. But wait, we lack a tank for ghosts. He brings his tank so that we have the right amount to kill said boss. Bow chooses ranger as his main, therefore warrior being his "secondary".

On BowTech he rolls a 76. On ArmourTech he rolls a 89, however, being that this is his secondary roll, he doesn't get the full 89, rather the second we roll is modified (say minus 15), so now his roll on his warrior is a 74.

This would allow those that have to multi-device in order for EPONA to kill a boss, still a shot at winning something. With a modifier it still allows everyone else of that class a chance to win as well.

Now I'd add that someone who is able to roll multiple times only gets to do so when their class is a need.

Example: ArmourTech is tanking, we have more than enough dps, he only gets one roll.

Having people multi-box and having a shot at multiple drops isn't greed when that class is needed, it is a bit greedy when there isn't a need for that toon to be there but is in hopes of a second drop.

Thoughts? Express your ideas.

Re: Current State of Epona

Posted: Mon Jun 13, 2016 3:51 pm
by Miranda27

Re: Current State of Epona

Posted: Mon Jun 13, 2016 7:11 pm
by Assibinion
I really thank u for this post and the thinking of epona and those who do their best to help bosses get killed.

I think I really would never expect an extra roll for an extra alt I get to a boss when needed and im sure most player with alts dont need that too. I only would love not be called greedy for having alts or want to equip them to make them powerfull to help as much as possible. But I like the idea to work on a possibility to get more ppl on and coming to bosses. Maybe u r right and we need completely new ideas to make ppl log .... For me I want to say, I dont want a higher drop chance only cause Im playing alts at bosses, I only dont want to feel guilty cause I hv them and want to equip them to be more helpfull on next boss ....

Re: Current State of Epona

Posted: Tue Jun 14, 2016 10:38 am
by Asterix_the_gaul
I have spent years sacrificing my alts giving away drops my rogue won't use to others so nothing pisses me off more than seeing people with heavily geared alts while others mains go without.
Yes Epona is in a crappy state right now and I am not surprised.
So many people are too dishonest, greedy and generally too interested in helping themselves rather than the server as a whole...hell some would even prefer helping their alts over their own clan members.
I am not surprised so many have quit, we have had such a huge influx of players from other servers and sadly quite often they move from other servers for a reason.
With this latest update and introduction of bounties end game has pretty much become open to everyone. Half the high level players I see when I log on are from other servers or known scammers, plat hackers or general castle beggars who have become high level.

Re: Current State of Epona

Posted: Thu Jun 16, 2016 7:08 am
by Assibinion
@ asterix: did u even read the first post and thought about that a sec? U only posted the same u did (idk who u r in game), let me guess, 100 times in wechat: Alts are greedy, alts get the drops, alts sooo bad .... Jayyy lets go on this really really simple way ... and pls look out for another game quick, cause epona will die without doing bosses ......
Did u even realize, that a lot "altplayers" are spending lots of platin on this game? Only this makes it possible for u and me and especially for a lot player without platin to play ...? Or do u really think OTM do this game cause they love u so much? I dont know, who u r in game and how clever u are, but go on hit them, bite the hands that fed us all at the end .... and epona will die!! Awesome job!!

Ok I see, it will always be the same problem, not because player hv alts, no, only because some are so jealous about them, that they prefer not to do bosses, before seeing a drop on them. This is really weird. And to make it perfect, those who play and making bosses still possible are guilty that others dont play. Ok, we wont do gele for a long time i think, ....

..... or we take the chance and try to discuss without blaming ea for anything, without jealousy and greediness and to find a way that makes more ppl happy .... Arma made the first step, lets wait a few days, till some are back from holidays and think about other solutions, to get fun back ...

And those who only try to kill the atmosphere of working together and helping ea, go, leave us alone, look in the mirror and insult urself ....

Re: Current State of Epona

Posted: Thu Jun 16, 2016 12:44 pm
by Asterix_the_gaul
If you expect Epona to take Gelebron down as a server then we have to gear up the server not a few individuals and their alts otherwise we become too dependant on them. This is why I have always geared my alts with ONLY lux and drops rejected by others.
In the early days of killing Mord did I keep the void ice grimoire I won for my mage? No I did not because I am a rogue.
Did I get annoyed when a mage won a godly rogue ring and equipped it on his alt? Of course I did and I imagine many would.
In my opinion...and this is just opinion so hold on to your high horse...alts should really be there as a back up when there are not enough people on.
I spend as much if not more than most on this game and could easily have geared up my alts instead of sharing drops with my (former) clan but I didn't and we were stronger for it.
Until we gear up as much of the server as possible we will not be killing Gelebron regularly.
Selfishness and greed are natural human virtues but until we all start thinking of the bigger picture and the server as a whole we simply won't be good enough.

Feel free to guess who I am if you do not know by now and please do continue to assume you know the type of person I am and to throw assumptions around.

Re: Current State of Epona

Posted: Thu Jun 16, 2016 2:44 pm
by Assibinion
Ok i understand what u do with ur alts and i respect that very much. But u cant expect from anyone doing the same. Ppl playing their toons, lvling them up - thats not easy - and camping for drops like u do. They deserve any drop they get. And they dont get a single more roll. But if they play more than others, they do more bosses and get more than others, thats really simple. Multiaccounts are not forbidden in this game, so what they do is completely ok.

And dont forget a really important point: A lot ppl that play on more accounts keep this server alive atm. What do u think will happen when they all only play on one toon? Or do u really expect, they hv to lvl up their toons o n l y to gear all others? Do u really think they hv to equip all the others who only play one toon with their personal money and time? No, they dont have to.
Pls dont misunderstand me. Most of them work hard on helping clannies and friends get gear. I really cant count how many crowns, arcs or runes i gave away. And yes its true, for player with more toons its more easy to help, cause its easier to camp. But there is a difference between helping because they really want to or being forced to help .... !!!
At the moment ppl tell me I am greedy having lots toons and in the next moment im asked to dual or play on three, cause we cant do even necro. Thats the fact. Epona dont hv enough players to do gele ... and thats really not the fault of those who play....

So lets come back to what flick wanted to get with his post... a free and alive epona where ppl help ea cause they like to do and not cause they hv to. A world were ppl hv fun to log in and to kill bosses without only looking what other got and dont deserve. A world were ppl are happy with what others win, when they work for it ... A GAME ! And I m pretty sure thats what we both want too ....

Re: Current State of Epona

Posted: Thu Jun 16, 2016 3:10 pm
by LoneHawk
It will not be easy to satisfy all in a server with such a diverse people. The game is simply getting boring. If I could play 24/7 with multi devices it still would be boring. OTM needs to have other things a end-game toon can do besides boss all the time, or do bounties. This is part of the reason people have cut down on their playing time besides the work and home life.

At this point let's just agree to disagree, give opinions and thoughts in wc and move forward the best we can.

Re: Current State of Epona

Posted: Thu Jun 16, 2016 4:42 pm
by Asterix_the_gaul
I do believe a lot of frustration in this game comes from,
A: the lack of things to do
B: too few drops and certainly too few decent drops.

It seems absurd that a mobile game requiring 30+ characters to kill a boss only rewards 3-4 of them at a time and nearly 3/4 of those drops are junk.
We desperately need larger groups for raiding and at least gold or a bottom tier drop for all.
A lot play this game for the friends not so much for character development alone so why not increase the player happiness by introducing a realistically rewarding experience.

Maybe we all need to be venting frustrations more towards OTM than each other.

Re: Current State of Epona

Posted: Thu Jun 16, 2016 8:08 pm
by Assibinion
I agree ;)