Celtic Heroes

The Official Forum for Celtic Heroes, the 3D MMORPG for iOS and Android Devices

Re: Get to know each other forum game! (Voldemort's Idea)

ZoomOutz FACTS!
1. I ran 50M in 6.6 Seconds
2. First fact is a lie
3. Second Fact is a lie

50 meters in 6.6 seconds thats slow

Its pretty slow for a grade 6? I only know this time because we had to do it in grade 6.
Lets see you outrun that time, at your current age.

As to everyone who guessed:
#1 = TRUTH

Assume the first fact is true. Therefore the second fact is false and the third is true. If you assume the second is true, then the first one is false and the third one is also false, which does not follow the criteria.

GG you guys did get trolled

Mage - 196
Ranger - 182

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