This is my 314th post and my last. We've been together 3 years now, and soon it'll be time for me to go. But before I do, I wanted to share some of my thoughts with you and give you some advice.
It's been an honour playing alongside you wonderful people. So first off, I want to thank each and every one of you for being a part of my CH life. I may have *** up a few times (understatement), but I still appreciate my friends and my enemies for they brought the life and energy to my gameplay.
One of the things about being me is that I am a bit too proud of myself and took up a "costume" -so to say- that didn't really represent who I am in real life. So, whilst I may have acted in a disrespectful manner at times, I promise i didn't full mean it, and for that I apologize to each and everyone I may have hurt in these 3 years. At many times I wanted to apologize and connect with the people who I considered an enemy because they were in the opposing clan, but I didn't out of sheer pride and competition. Take my advice each and every single one of you, forget all your differences and just reach out to everyone and be friends. Share in their laughs, strengths, weaknesses, sorrows... Being a good player starts with being good to others. Even if you don't like someone, treat them as you would wanna be treated - trust me it'll pay off in the end.
You may ask how I feel about leaving. Bittersweet. Bitter because I am leaving such a wonderful community, filled with amazing, talented people of all nationalities, ages and point of views and also because I deeply enjoy the game. Sweet because it's time I move on and make better use of my life and get ready for college.
It's a long journey ahead, and I must prepare. I wish each and everyone of you the best of luck. May God bless you in your endeavors and may you find peace and joy all the days of your life.
Stay Hungry, Stay Foolish,
Arjun - your friendly neighborhood ranger
'Tis Time
#1Druid Guide - Role, Build, Stats and Gear
Rogue Guide - Role, Build, Stats and Gear
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Dragonlord Armour Revamp - Compilation Thread
Rogue Guide - Role, Build, Stats and Gear
Dual-Device Guide - For The Hardcore Players
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