I esp love how arjune cast judgement on so many others he was a b level camper at best and left relentless because we would not give him dl weapons on his ranger and rogue at the same time. But we could of been like old soli give all gear to the leaders alts and have them all quit right after getting. But that isn't relentless we always choose mains first if u don't believe me look at all of the origional generals alts, darkbahamut still no dl weapon, str8chaos no Weap, kenh no weapon. And of course old soli members would join us we are fare to all clannys not just take care of gens and gens alts.
And to sin we gave u , a leadership position eventhough u didn't earn it and helped out with all your old clannys, and what did u do for us hord our drops to start a new clan. But as u can see we are built to deal with issues like that. Why because we spread out gear to all members!
One last thing early on when relent started we offered to work together on bosses or take turns on them. Sucks to be on the other end of the stick doesn't it?
And to you dangerranger:
Please stop being so childish, and act like the leader you say you are.
We left relent with no drops at all. Yes you guys geared us with DL, and yes we helped you on numerous snorri, hrung, and mordris kills with out getting a single drop. So lets call it even.
We left relent because we didnt agree with the people that were being recruited.
Relent recruiting was very simple, add anyone high level untill we can do necro.
Im sorry we didnt agree with that so we left.
The amount of hate that you and your fellow relent 'leaders' have shown is just pathetic.
Its funny how all those ex-soli in your clan is a-ok, but if someone leaves relent to go somewhere else, they get hatred and threats.
People join and leave clans all the time. The way relent is going i suggest u get used to it.