Hey everyone, i guess this is my last horrah, i am officially quiting. Everything i have is for sale i will be making a list later but wanted to look for a few prices/offers on a couple items.
Few items i will need offers or prices for:
Legendary pheonix glider 95/40/40 ~ this will not go cheap
Full fashion sets also taking offers on:
White ardmair
Black ardmair
Enscrolled black spider
Black glenmore
Thats all for now, i will compose a detailed list soon.
Re: Selling/pricing stuff
#2hope real life treats you well, will miss the days we trained together to get lv 180 hahaha and best of luck on selling your items 

Re: Selling/pricing stuff
#3Sux bro, i loved your stuff
always had the gear when i needed it, enjoy your real life and be happy 

Oderint Dum Metuant.
Re: Selling/pricing stuff
#6i have never met you, but its always sad to see a eg player leave the game. i hope life treats you well and enjoy the free time you have now you no longer put it in ch
do whatever you want and anything that seems fun. You only have on life, better make in count

do whatever you want and anything that seems fun. You only have on life, better make in count

Re: Selling/pricing stuff
#7will miss you bro 

thedarkranger (lvl 221)Full EDL and DG gloves
thedarkwizard (lvl 209)(fire mage)
Proud player since halloween 2011
thedarkranger (lvl 221)Full EDL and DG gloves
thedarkwizard (lvl 209)(fire mage)
Proud player since halloween 2011