Celtic Heroes

The Official Forum for Celtic Heroes, the 3D MMORPG for iOS and Android Devices

Re: New clan on Gwydion

Why must everyone attack? HAVE FUN PEOPLE!
This is my point :P
Gwyd has ALWAYS been fun and we want to keep it that way, pretending that it is only going to be fun now that you all are competing is a dig, whether intentional or otherwise.
All rele wants is to have some fun competing for locks to make the kills more exciting!!
even detergent is just a nickname ;) and just for fun.
we've been waiting for our nickname but you all haven't made one yet :cry:

tbh idek how we came up with detergent... i think it was a typo at first :lol:
Feel free to pm me about anything or talk to me in game :D
Bob The God
This Bob guy is a guide? Legitimately?
Former EG try hard who’s now relaxing midgame on crom.
Fire Mages are where its at

Re: New clan on Gwydion

I'm just enjoying Bob defending how fun he is :D :P

Sadly though I feel like people aren't going to want to come and join our lovely fun server for fear of being subjected to wordy rebukes should they ever step out of line ;) o.O
Eurydice 223 mage - Gwydion
Truffles 216 druid - Gwydion
Pizzazz 202 mage - Epona

Re: New clan on Gwydion

I'm just enjoying Bob defending how fun he is :D :P

Sadly though I feel like people aren't going to want to come and join our lovely fun server for fear of being subjected to wordy rebukes should they ever step out of line ;) o.O
But what would I be without my signature bob essays :cry:

Idk I get bored in class and rambling about nonsense is more entertaining than taking notes sometimes :lol:
Feel free to pm me about anything or talk to me in game :D
Bob The God
This Bob guy is a guide? Legitimately?
Former EG try hard who’s now relaxing midgame on crom.
Fire Mages are where its at

Re: New clan on Gwydion

I'm just enjoying Bob defending how fun he is :D :P

Sadly though I feel like people aren't going to want to come and join our lovely fun server for fear of being subjected to wordy rebukes should they ever step out of line ;) o.O
But what would I be without my signature bob essays :cry:

Idk I get bored in class and rambling about nonsense is more entertaining than taking notes sometimes :lol:
Ha ikik and we wouldn't change you for anything ♥
Eurydice 223 mage - Gwydion
Truffles 216 druid - Gwydion
Pizzazz 202 mage - Epona

Re: New clan on Gwydion

I'm just enjoying Bob defending how fun he is :D :P

Sadly though I feel like people aren't going to want to come and join our lovely fun server for fear of being subjected to wordy rebukes should they ever step out of line ;) o.O
But what would I be without my signature bob essays :cry:

Idk I get bored in class and rambling about nonsense is more entertaining than taking notes sometimes :lol:
We know Bob, no harm no foul.
See you soon! 8-)

Re: New clan on Gwydion

Divergent is a new clan that will take its time to develop and recruit clannies who are looking for a smaller, helpful group of players who are dedicated to integrity, loyalty and some serious fun. If the dkp system isn’t your thing, well, it isn’t our either. Several of our members have their families in the clan, some with their kids, family is important to us.

Look us up in game: Flynt, Gorelark, Kezzy or Lady Medusaa.
Brie 228 Warrior
Flynt 228 Ranger
Sneakie 200 Rogue
Brid 223 Mage

Divergent: developing a new direction.

Re: New clan on Gwydion

The only fun period in Gwyd was Gele griefing. But gl Pures.
Pfft, you gotta go old school with griefing for fun. Mordy griefing is where it’s at ;)
Feel free to pm me about anything or talk to me in game :D
Bob The God
This Bob guy is a guide? Legitimately?
Former EG try hard who’s now relaxing midgame on crom.
Fire Mages are where its at

Re: New clan on Gwydion

The only fun period in Gwyd was Gele griefing. But gl Pures.
Pfft, you gotta go old school with griefing for fun. Mordy griefing is where it’s at ;)
Gwyd never really had a mord griefing period, maybe errant troll pulling but that's about it.

Necro a little bit more griefed but still not that much.
UltimateIronman - Level 50 Morrigan

Youtube Series here

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