Fixed and agree.The people that really love you guys far outweighs the haters. Dont let them get to you!
Said this before, but will say it again, I use my block button in game all the time, it's a wonderful thing. Personally could care less even when I do hear the occasional childish remark, but then again, most are simply just that, children. Doesn't matter which clan i have been in, there is always one asshat, just seems to be the nature of the beast, just like in real life. No matter what though, I wouldn't let a couple of people within a game keep you away from something you enjoy otherwise.
There are so many misguided people in this game, sometimes they just need a little direction in life and they think the game is filling a void in their real life. People whisper to me asking " do you hate me?" far too often in this game and for me is a sign of how many are really lost in life if they worry about whether or not people like or don't like them in a virtual world. You guys have what they are longing for, love, respect, real friendship and each other.
Real life is too short to stress out over a game. Games are supposed to be fun and entertaining in a positive way. Some think they find fun in making others suffer and letting them know they won only paves the way for their next target. Do what you want to do, not what they want you to do.
It is kind of sad really, so many good people still here, playing the game every day and half of them hate each other for the most asinine reasons.
On that note, here is Uncle Fru's word of they day:
extremely stupid or foolish. (Plenty of that to go around in this game)
"Lydia ignored his asinine remark".
synonyms: stupid, foolish, brainless, mindless, senseless, idiotic, imbecilic, ridiculous, ludicrous, absurd, nonsensical, fatuous, silly, inane, witless, empty-headed; More
antonyms: intelligent, sensible