Lol I'll make a better introduction and say my life story :p sorry if I keep switching from first to third person lol, rogue=me
So once upon a time, there was a rogue, but not an ordinary rogue, this was a rogue216. He was introduced to the game by his friend irl (theepic) and one day when they were playing they met a wild koola who helped them in crook back tunnel, she was funny and helpful so He added her in my friends list.later on his friend quits the game, and rogue goes on a quest to make sure he's not bored!( My memory is a little fuzzy at this point but I think I remember joining ferdais in a clan called blades, no not Ferdais blades.) That comes later. So anyway rogue joins this clan and rogue leaves, (I think it was because I was power hungry and also ppl were inactive, maybe I got kicked lol)
So a brand new chapter starts now. A new time period, we can call this a rebirth, or a renaissance. so one day rogue was walking around in shalemont being a beast as always when he hears "selling clan 10k". Rogue thought, "I don't have that money, i want a clan though." He then hears after a while by the same guy, "giving away free clan." rogue immediately whispers him and became the clan leader, the donor stayed as a general (I forgot who you are, sorry). I forgot what the clan name was, but it was my first clan and the only clan I properly took care of.So what does rogue do? With a clan you need people! So rogue does what every noob does, he looks at the area and recruit everyone, seeing who accepts. And one of these people just happen to be scatha. She was level 60ish at the time lol but to rogue that was amazing. She became a general as well, not a surprise. later we recruited a lot of people, and our clan became part of the top 10 for most active and most powerful. At this time, rogue befriended hiddenrogue who was the leader of clan crookback, I poked fun at her saying that my clan was better even though it was because we had a large number. So we became good friends and I get this guy called thenewguy in my clan, who was pretty nice. we also recruit snipes, who was a member of solitaire for a while and gave me some clan tips to make us less nooby! They were helpful but later corruption settles in, snipes gets called back to soli so i thank him and start the decline of my clan. rogue ends up promoting people just to keep them in his clan and when someone left because of thenewguy I demoted him, which made him leave. We talked later and still became friends though. I get back from school and see half the people of my clan and all my generals/ guardians have left. I asked everyone what happened and basically people just got tired of it. also I was a little inactive b/c of school so there's that too :p .
So I needed a new clan, where do I go? Crookback of course! I ask hiddenrogue and she let's me in. So I join the clan, and constantly run into shug (lol I'm not gonna try spelling it) and she was a funny person so I added her. I also run into 12ayne, and just seeing his toon made me want to add him, he just had a lot of charisma and helped a lot, I also tried buying his heroic am my off him for 20 but he respectfully declined. in crookback we killed a lot of bosses and I was happy there, but the most exciting thing for me was that gizmo started making youtube videos. And he let me be in them (We had to limit the people because of grp space)
so later on crookback becomes inactive,and rogue becomes inactive too, so inactive he has thoughts of quitting the game. It just wasn't as fun or as interesting. IS THIS THE END TO THE ROGUE'S SAGA?
End of part one
LOL ITS GETTING LATE AND MY POST IS GETTING LONG, maybe I'll tell part 2 later :p it was pretty fun doing this and reminiscing