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Icelord was up....

Posted: Sat Jul 14, 2012 4:30 am
by Rebirth
Look at this, acid ksing on ice lord. Not too upset, just a rare find :)

Re: Icelord was up....

Posted: Sat Jul 14, 2012 5:28 am
by lorg
Yeah it was pretty dumb... :roll:

Re: Icelord was up....

Posted: Sat Jul 14, 2012 5:29 am
by lorg
Yeah it was pretty dumb... :roll:

Re: Icelord was up....

Posted: Sat Jul 14, 2012 10:01 am
by Niffmeister
I've never seen this guy before, who the hell is he and where does he spawn!?
I might be acid but I weren't involved in the ks! ((:

Re: Icelord was up....

Posted: Sat Jul 14, 2012 2:12 pm
by Alure
I've never seen this guy before, who the hell is he and where does he spawn!?
I might be acid but I weren't involved in the ks! ((:
Icelord was a common boss face during the Christmas patch. He was a Placeholder to Frostbelly (level 100). Both these guys used to spawn at the current Rockbelly spot. He used to drop the amazing yet worthless(currently) Icelord weapons.
Although a low level, being a Druid used to occasionally let me in on those runs back in the day with Oracles and Elites. It used to be a common boss, though kinda hard.

However, now it's a super rare spawn at Northern Peninsula. If I am not mistaken, he spawns where the Jotuns hang out on the slope near Hagvar. The last time I saw Icelord/Frostbelly was back in March (around the time I got scammed). Luckily, I got the drop, Icelord Bow, which I sold for 150k to rebuy my heroic rejuv. Good Job on finding this historic boss.

-No comments on the KSings.

Re: Icelord was up....

Posted: Sun Jul 15, 2012 11:59 pm
by Gladier
Yea, AcidWarriors got the kill. Just an fyi, about half the people in Acid had no idea this guy was up. So before you start saying Acid this Acid that, think about those of us who don't try to ks and think how generally blaming us feels. If you were ksed, blame the people not the clan. This is true of most bosses, only exceptions are when clan wars are occurring (then people get mad if you even breath on there boss).

Re: Icelord was up....

Posted: Mon Jul 16, 2012 1:18 am
by Rebirth
Well don't push it now that theres a truce, that is, if everyone follows it. And maybe if you those people didn't ks then there would be no clan to blame, but some of your clan members did, and i sure hope that truce is followed.

Re: Icelord was up....

Posted: Mon Jul 16, 2012 7:09 am
by Captain
Hi guys,

I think Ice is just disappointed at having lost the Icelord under these circumstances. We were actually discussing in clan chat (last night) that KS is usually the same folks, and definitely not all of the clan, and friends should not be punished for a few bad apples. Ice agreed with me in clan chat, so I know he is not wanting this to be escalated, or to start a disagreement again. Naturally he is disappointed. I'm mainly disappointed that once again I didn't even get to see the Icelord. I wasn't on at the time *sigh* I always hear afterward that he was up. So I for one want to say thank you Ice, for finally posting some pics ha ha.

I'm looking forward to a fun game night with you all! CYA later

Re: Icelord was up....

Posted: Wed Jul 18, 2012 4:11 am
by Gladier
See? Bloodbarons is doing a good job of isolating the problem, something more clans should do. If all clans do this we wont have coan issues just individual ones.

Re: Icelord was up....

Posted: Wed Jul 18, 2012 9:37 am
by Captain
Thank you Gladier :-) we hope to be a part of the solution :-)