As the title suggests, this post will feature all: Clans, drama queens and Gwydion politics.
As expected, clans (especially the very active and/or large clans) have problems. This is normal and happens when large groups of people get together. When those people start spending a LOT of time together, it becomes a family. Well, I don’t know about you guys, but my family, as much as I love them, can drive me up the wall. I also don’t sensor that much with my family, because I know that for better or worse, they will be there.
So fighting is normal, ambition is normal, politics is normal... but to this extent?! Guys, we are losing clannies to other clans, we are losing players to other servers and some are now quitting the game. I am losing friends because of issues not being resolved, people not understanding that whatever issue is going on, isn’t usually personal.
Now, I love you guys to bits, and you are awesome (lol, but you knew that huh?) but this can’t be ignored:
1) Get over it. Yes, the most important lesson you will ever learn is this. Sometimes bad stuff happens, sometimes you can’t do anything about it. Vent, and move on. Grudges is what bad movies are based on.
2) Everyone has issues, but we are all people. Treating someone like they are worthless because of their ethnicity, sexual preference, or clan banner is unacceptable. Respect the player, and they will most likely respect you. You don’t have to be their friend to treat them like a human being for gods’ sake. Agree to disagree.
3) Loosen the leash. It is a GAME. Yes, we spend a lot of time here, and we all want to achieve better than the others, but really, it should be FUN. Remember when it was?
4) Nothing is broken beyond repair guys. Talk about it, clear up the confusion. Most days, it’s not personal, people just aren’t nearly as observant as you think. You might know everything that goes on in your life, but others don’t. If you need help, or someone to talk to, or anything, the best solution to your problem, is your ability to ask for it.
5) Accept when people can’t help, if they can’t, it doesn’t mean they never will, it means that at that moment in time, they can’t, because they are boss running, or xp potting, or also trying to finish quests. Respect their right to also play the game
6) This is something I am very guilty of too: Extreme clan loyalty o.O. Ya, sounds nuts, but it is a problem. Big levels not letting in little guys. When it is for a quest boss, we do try though, but we give preference to clan questers, which I guess is better than nothing. We have done the defector quest, we have done the wisp quest, why is it so hard to let the questers in? Just do it. If the quester gets the drop, he or she can always pass to the person who dropped from the group. That’s the way it was done for me.
7) You are not nearly as impressive as you think you are. Yup. Your character might be level ga-zillion, and you might be able to solo ANYTHING. This does not make you God. This makes you a goofy kid who plays the game a lot.
8) You are far more impressive than you think you are (hehe) For real. Your life may be falling apart, your character might be lagging behind, whatever the case may be, but THAT is not all you are. You deserve respect, you deserve to play the game in peace.
Now, hang your heads in shame, pull your shoulders back and look yourself over critically. Has this game become a playground in which you are the bully? Are you too controlling of your clan? Are you too whiney? Do you think everyone is out to get you? Do you want everything for free? Do you refuse to help others but expect them to help you? No guys, I know we aren’t really that bad, but sometimes, we can be, and that is what causes all these problems. Now...
Fix it. I know you can.
Clans, Queens and politicians
#1Live for now, because tomorrow may never come
World: Gwydion
Clan: BloodBarons. Rank: General
Mage: Captain
Warrior: CaptainsTank
Druid: Captaincrunch
World: Gwydion
Clan: BloodBarons. Rank: General
Mage: Captain
Warrior: CaptainsTank
Druid: Captaincrunch