Haves & Wants list...
Posted: Fri Mar 29, 2013 2:24 am
-Golden bloodlust helm
-Dmg rings, bracelets, necklaces, etc
-ES pants & BP
-Golden blade of Magic and blade of fire
Have: (will sell or trade, open to offers)
-Guzzletusk Gorer Spear
-Spear of the ice lord
-Grimlings staff
-Grand cane of bats x2
-Stave of Tempests
-Stave of bolts
-Stave of storms
-Stout grand staff of ice
-Grimlings spear
-Sunflower wand
-Grimlings broadsword
-War bow of brutes
-Master mace of the grove
-Black coven hat
-Vanguards green mask
-Ancient scale boots
-Glimmerwing leaf kit x2
-Fairy queens boots
-Dread mask of terror
-Dread mask of midnight x2
-Dread mask of terror
-purple Yule hat
-ancient Scale gauntlets
-Grand ring of spring of life
-Grand ring of barbed shot
-Grand ring of play dead
-Grand luring ring of soldiers
-Grand ring of vigor
-Grand ring of steady aim
-Grand ring of conceal
-Grand ring of warding
-Royal ring of hide
-Royal ring of entangle
-Golden bloodlust helm
-Dmg rings, bracelets, necklaces, etc
-ES pants & BP
-Golden blade of Magic and blade of fire
Have: (will sell or trade, open to offers)
-Guzzletusk Gorer Spear
-Spear of the ice lord
-Grimlings staff
-Grand cane of bats x2
-Stave of Tempests
-Stave of bolts
-Stave of storms
-Stout grand staff of ice
-Grimlings spear
-Sunflower wand
-Grimlings broadsword
-War bow of brutes
-Master mace of the grove
-Black coven hat
-Vanguards green mask
-Ancient scale boots
-Glimmerwing leaf kit x2
-Fairy queens boots
-Dread mask of terror
-Dread mask of midnight x2
-Dread mask of terror
-purple Yule hat
-ancient Scale gauntlets
-Grand ring of spring of life
-Grand ring of barbed shot
-Grand ring of play dead
-Grand luring ring of soldiers
-Grand ring of vigor
-Grand ring of steady aim
-Grand ring of conceal
-Grand ring of warding
-Royal ring of hide
-Royal ring of entangle