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I miss the good old days

Posted: Mon Mar 05, 2012 5:16 am
by MikeShot2
I miss the good old days. The days there weren't any heroic items, or carnage axes, or charms, or crown shield. Instead I miss the days where it was just plain and simple. The days where only Plato and James had full warden and when Conan still played. I remberer those good ol' days where Solitaire and Saints were the only boss competitive clans. I miss the good ol' days when me and Dragonus just stood there waiting for the crookback king or when Iceman was lv 31 and I was 14 and I kept spamming her for chess pieces or when Plato kept fighting the bone giant and I tried helping by attacking him but only ended up in missing and when me and back then lv 34 Creator kept raiding the crookbacks. It's still hard to believe I'm the last person on Gwydion to have warden under lv 50. Ahh yes those were the days when there wasn't any meteoric weapons or armor or no Yathor or lv 100 noobs. Ahh yes we all miss those good ol' days.

Re: I miss the good old days

Posted: Tue Mar 06, 2012 11:25 pm
by markassasin
i agree!!! i liked the old days better when we would all run around in dustwither and kill like disipline ducarious or kiara and we would all be like lvl 20-50 and running around with falchions and greatswords and i alsoreally really miss the old music!!! (if u want to hear what its like poston my blog and i will show u) :D

Re: I miss the good old days

Posted: Wed Mar 07, 2012 12:01 am
by MikeShot2
Lol to be honest I never used the Dustwither weapons, I skipped right away from a claymore to ancient broadsword but now I use ancient greatsword. Lol when I was lv 23 my good friend TheMist started playing and to not make myself to not look selfish I barely afforded him hammered splint set and a longbow and he treated me like the kindest person ever. And he hasn't been playin alot so two months later he finally logs in for the first time and I'm lv 40 and I buy him full Highroad and give him a heavy bow and he starts treating me like a god lol

Re: I miss the good old days

Posted: Wed Mar 07, 2012 2:48 pm
by Duvid
Yes i agree too! I miss the old days when i was in clan templars...when plate armour was awesome and redclaw considered warden armour. I miss the days when Theking is the leader of clan leadangs...theyr all gone....i miss the update 1...

Re: I miss the good old days

Posted: Mon Mar 12, 2012 9:06 am
by Indira
I miss Rev(templars). He was the best chieftain i have known and followed obediently. Followed by Greg(kamikaze). In those days, my only worry was keeping templars alive while fighting dustwither disciples and arch-disciples. I wonder where they are now.

Re: I miss the good old days

Posted: Mon Mar 12, 2012 6:09 pm
by Duvid
Reeally epic times...:oi wish i could have them back lol

Re: I miss the good old days

Posted: Mon Mar 12, 2012 6:12 pm
by shepman
yeah i miss the old days too...when indira was the highest lvl in gwydion,when only the highest lvls had full waden armour... when LaVerne was the chief of Blood Grove and i was in it...I hope all my old friends who are inactive now will return someday :)

Re: I miss the good old days

Posted: Tue Mar 13, 2012 1:29 am
by MikeShot2
These were the highest levels on Gwydion in late September:

Plato, lv 93 warrior
Jamessh, lv 91 warrior
Octavian, lv 88 warrior
Conan, lv 88 warrior
LaVerne, lv 88 rogue

Those were the only lv 88+ people on Gwydion in September. And only James/Plato had full warden back then.

Re: I miss the good old days

Posted: Mon Apr 02, 2012 3:37 pm
by LoneWolf72
well. i don't think i was even playing during the "good ol' days"