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The Gwydion scammer discovered

Hi guys,I think all of us know that the guy who scammed iceman and creator is found-it's tjtjtj.But nobody knows the truth how the scammer was discovered.So here I will tell u how he was found( if u dont believe me ask iceman she will prove my words)
So today I when i came to Lirs I got a trade request from a girl called iceman(Ices char called like IceMan),she asked me to give her my heroic rejuv ( which doesn't exist btw) , but I asked her to prove tht she is real iceman.I asked her name(I know ices real name) but she failed to answer,then she said she knows me well.she said tht I have 3 chars and then she named em: shepman,shepdruid and Issian... The last one was Mage. I really used to hav this char,but I deleted it,and when I started it nobody knew tht Issian is shep, exept ... Tjtjtj... He was the only person who knew tht. I think this is the main evidence but I hav some more:
1)after iceman logged out I went to sv to train and right in the moment when I came there I met tjtjtj...( isnt that suspecious ? )
2)after training in sv I went to catacombs to do boss runs with my clan,and I met tjtjtj there... I payed attention on his amulet and I saw tht he was wearing a...Heroic rejuv... How could he get it by himself ? Its impossible for him.I think tht was the ami which he stole form ice or from creator.
3) when I asked him where did he get his ami he ignored me(there were some more ppl who asked him about tht but he ignored all of em)
So as u can see I discovered the scammer...
I was really offended by the way the ppl in sv talked to me :( I worked so hard ! And I dont need any paymennt I need just a simple " Ty " ...
shepdruid-lvl44 druid(abandoned currently using as bank)
Shepberry-lvl73 ranger

Re: The Gwydion scammer discovered

As a brand new player and a member of the Gwydion server how do I avoid scammers? Do I not accept any trade request from anyone I don't know (which is everyone atm). I ask because I got about 5 random trade requests from players trying to sell me gear (which was hilarious because I have almost 0 gold from buying my skills). I read a thread elsewhere that you can be robber in trade even if you dont hit the trade button. Is there any truth to this? Keep up the good work Shep :mrgreen:

On a side note: If anyone from Serpentine checks this forum, are there any experienced rogues willing to tutor a noob?
Toxin - Level 20 Rogue (Gwydion)

Re: The Gwydion scammer discovered

i appreciate what you are doing for me and ice but are you 100% sure that he was the only one that knew about your alt. issian. when people log and someone come in 2 train isnt enough proof to say he is the true scammer, and when it comes to people whispering to me abt my items even i sometimes ignore some people but even people can farm enough to have over 200k unless he has an alt who also has a heroic rejuv then ill b convinced that he is the perp. im sorry 4 opposing you wen you try to help me and again thank you very much for the work you put in to unmask the people i appreciate it amd so will ice.(:
my chars!: creator/minervaa/CreDPS/lanu
There jobs!: tank/dex/dps/healer
Class!: warrior/ranger/rogue/driud
proud member of uprising!

Re: The Gwydion scammer discovered

Thanks creator tht means a lot to me :) and look another facts I posted,and btw Im sure tht only tjtjtj knew tht im Issian,nobody else did.
shepdruid-lvl44 druid(abandoned currently using as bank)
Shepberry-lvl73 ranger

Re: The Gwydion scammer discovered

Oh and btw creator I talked to my clan and there were some ppl who saw tjtjtj in catacombs they asked him how did he get his rejuv and but he didn't answer and quickly changed his rejuv on a lesser energy pendant.I dont think he got this rejuv by himself and everyon agreed with me.
shepdruid-lvl44 druid(abandoned currently using as bank)
Shepberry-lvl73 ranger

Re: The Gwydion scammer discovered

this is some evidence. now i can say hes a suspect because of his reaction to the situation. btw i also saw an alt named dps he also had a heroic rejuv, but if anyone sees this and its your alt. plz post asap so u dont get accused for something you didnt do... one last thing shep if in anyways u do manage to get the amulet back please give it to ice first. idnt mind if i get my stuff back:p
my chars!: creator/minervaa/CreDPS/lanu
There jobs!: tank/dex/dps/healer
Class!: warrior/ranger/rogue/driud
proud member of uprising!

Re: The Gwydion scammer discovered

I will try to get the rejuv bk,but u know,I cant promise anything,and today I remembered one more strange fact about tjtjtj.When I started Issian I was lookin for a clan for him and tjtjtj invited me to clan called "friends" and he had a char called Banker2 back then I didn't know tht Banker is Gaby,so when he told me tht he's Bnker I believed him,but now I dont of crs...If anyone has more questions ask me there I will answer
shepdruid-lvl44 druid(abandoned currently using as bank)
Shepberry-lvl73 ranger

Re: The Gwydion scammer discovered

TrickyTJ is tjtjtjtj. I hired tricky into grove oh so long ago and he told me his alts.

Name: Smoke/Cigar/SmokeTheTank/Pinhead
Level: 85/88/80/80
Class: Rogue/Ranger/Warrior/Mage
Clan: Solitaire

Ranger Stats: 270Str/60Dex/30Foc/100Vit
Rogue Stats: 240Str/60Dex/30Foc/120Vit
Mage Stats: 50Str/5Dex/40Foc/200Vit

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