Looking to start to outfit low level ranger and mage
Posted: Thu Jul 23, 2015 3:10 pm
Hi all 
I'm from Lugh but have ran out of xps and thus started fresh here. I have a level 45 Mage and ranger- Rodney Recloos and Lester. Haven't hit a wall yet but will soon so I'm looking to outfit them with any gear, crappy rings/good rings, braces, charms, etc. I know on my toons in Lugh I have hundreds of useless rings sitting in banks from past events, etc. Problem is I can't find anyone to sell here :/
My gold is limited here until double plat but I have high levels of every class on Lugh and am a longtime player without a bad rep
I can transfer gold or equip your toon over there if you want
I'll even do it for free (to a degree) so that you trust me
Friddoo not sure if yr still playing Lugh? Need any thing? 
Pm me on either world. On Lugh my main is 192 Pinterspupil.
Thanks, and even if nothing comes of this I hope to see yaw around as I enjoy playing this server

I'm from Lugh but have ran out of xps and thus started fresh here. I have a level 45 Mage and ranger- Rodney Recloos and Lester. Haven't hit a wall yet but will soon so I'm looking to outfit them with any gear, crappy rings/good rings, braces, charms, etc. I know on my toons in Lugh I have hundreds of useless rings sitting in banks from past events, etc. Problem is I can't find anyone to sell here :/
My gold is limited here until double plat but I have high levels of every class on Lugh and am a longtime player without a bad rep

Pm me on either world. On Lugh my main is 192 Pinterspupil.
Thanks, and even if nothing comes of this I hope to see yaw around as I enjoy playing this server