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Looking to start to outfit low level ranger and mage

Posted: Thu Jul 23, 2015 3:10 pm
by Jayspaceman
Hi all :)

I'm from Lugh but have ran out of xps and thus started fresh here. I have a level 45 Mage and ranger- Rodney Recloos and Lester. Haven't hit a wall yet but will soon so I'm looking to outfit them with any gear, crappy rings/good rings, braces, charms, etc. I know on my toons in Lugh I have hundreds of useless rings sitting in banks from past events, etc. Problem is I can't find anyone to sell here :/

My gold is limited here until double plat but I have high levels of every class on Lugh and am a longtime player without a bad rep :) I can transfer gold or equip your toon over there if you want :) I'll even do it for free (to a degree) so that you trust me :) Friddoo not sure if yr still playing Lugh? Need any thing? ;)

Pm me on either world. On Lugh my main is 192 Pinterspupil.

Thanks, and even if nothing comes of this I hope to see yaw around as I enjoy playing this server :)

Re: Looking to start to outfit low level ranger and mage

Posted: Sun Jul 26, 2015 6:12 am
by friddoo
Sorry I stopped playing lugh but welcome! I hope you enjoy lock battling for bosses instead of working together, I'll check if I got some crapply rings you can use :D

Re: Looking to start to outfit low level ranger and mage

Posted: Wed Jul 29, 2015 5:44 pm
by Jayspaceman
Looking to buy minor event braces and charms for ranger and Mage. Post reply or pm in game Lester or rodneyrecloos