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Razor Knight might come to your world

Posted: Wed May 16, 2012 11:26 pm
by RazorKnight
ahah ik most of u dont care as much cause u dont know me but i already tried out mabon and arwan. I chosen mabon to be my main world then moved to Danu cause someone hacked me :( haha i really hated support so i didnt brother asking for them to restore it so i just made a new acc in danu. Now im one of my clan's active and main tanks. I waste no hp pots on big bosses as rock or shiver cause of the amount of druids we have :) and my epic dps can sometimes ks the ks group when im grouped with all the druids :D (no i dont use attack potions :lol: ) I have full upgrade. Well that enough about me i say :).
So i was wondering if u guys can give me reasons to play in ur world for a while till updates come out?

Re: Razor Knight might come to your world

Posted: Thu May 17, 2012 3:35 am
by MikeShot2
I have no reason. Our world has horrible economy, daily scams, and clan wars for frags. But it's kinda good overall.

Re: Razor Knight might come to your world

Posted: Thu May 17, 2012 5:46 am
by shepman
well mike is right but if u don’t involve yerself in any conflicts u will be fine.And razor i cud help u to start out :D giv some items,pots maybe even some gold or just buy some armr n weps for ya :) And don’t need paying back

Re: Razor Knight might come to your world

Posted: Thu May 17, 2012 6:47 am
by Gaby
I have no reason. Our world has horrible economy, daily scams, and clan wars for frags. But it's kinda good overall.
This is every world mike xD

Daily scams, yeah, but I don't think its too bad, you'd have to be an idiot to fall for it in the first place.
Clan was for frags, just a handful of greedy kids, with too much testosterone being produced.
Horrible economy, aside from a few people shaping certain aspects of it, you have me, notably one of the biggest influences to the economy of our server, and I don't say that to brag, cause everyone knows I'm stupid rich and knowledgable on prices and what not, so plenty of people seek advice from me.
I would say it's not too bad, While I make most of my money from beating every opportunity to make money I get into the ground, I think I help 'neutralize' the economy, other might disagree, but whatever.

Gwy is -pretty- good. Just Drama Heroes kicks in at the higher levels.

Re: Razor Knight might come to your world

Posted: Thu May 17, 2012 4:51 pm
by PuppetMaster
Wow... nice guide to the top 4 clans... about bloodbarons... i would just say its a clan for ppl lvls 40-75 that can kill like stone fang but needs tons of help from off group clannies...

Re: Razor Knight might come to your world

Posted: Thu May 17, 2012 4:51 pm
by PuppetMaster
Great guide!

Re: Razor Knight might come to your world

Posted: Thu May 17, 2012 5:26 pm
by Alure
what guide? i think you all posted on the wrong forum?

Re: Razor Knight might come to your world

Posted: Thu May 17, 2012 10:11 pm
by RazorKnight
well mike is right but if u don’t involve yerself in any conflicts u will be fine.And razor i cud help u to start out :D giv some items,pots maybe even some gold or just buy some armr n weps for ya :) And don’t need paying back
ahh thanks for the offer :) haha i probably wont use pots im going to lvl old style :) ill catch up with u guys later maybe? pretty busy :D haha dam gf :)oh well i still like her even tho she makes me do everything with her :lol: i also know how ppl hate random new ppl coming into their world and lvling faster then they are XD so i wont be using pots.

Re: Razor Knight might come to your world

Posted: Fri May 18, 2012 11:54 pm
by Meteoroid
gwydion= good world.
economy= annoying, bad, and stupid.
we have annoying little kids who wont shut up, with other people causing drama, and etc. if i could transfer between worlds, i would move to rihanna ASAP.....

Re: Razor Knight might come to your world

Posted: Sat May 19, 2012 2:44 am
by RazorKnight
U guys make this server sound really bad now :|