Just be mindful that anything you see and deal with in this game is Pixels...nothing but a couple of squares. They can't do anything to you no matter how much they threaten you. Donot fall for it.
Whatever you do, NEVER buy or sell an account. I did this once, and faced severe consequences. Fortunately, many friends helped me greatly to get back on track. If I were to name names, I would have to say thanks to Tsujapan and Conan. Thanks to Tsu for tracking down the scammer and forcing him to give back most of the stuff. Thanks to Conan for buying my Icelord bow for a rather OP price.
As soon as you share your account info with anyone else, know that you have lost Support from the company, and that they cannot help you in anyway if you get scammed or threatened. This is because you violated their Terms of Service.
So...a big nono to selling/buying accounts.
I too had to deal with Kevins and HolyCrusaders on my alts. I blocked them and eventually, blew up on them. Was fun
You probably figured this out already, but here it is again. This game is all about Reputation. Once you get a bad rep, you might as well quit, or...work hard to get it back.(kinda hard)
Things that may corrupt your Good Rep are:
KSing constantly
Using unnecessarily foul language
Just be nice to all, and helpful to those who deserve it. Trust me, friendly conduct is satisfying and rewarding.
Just remember to have fun and try to avoid the drama. None are perfect...but we can all try.