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Returning player looking for Clan!

Posted: Sun Mar 05, 2017 2:08 am
by Zojak
Hey all, I played a couple of years ago and am just coming back to the game, after playing OAC2 for a while, and to be frank i'm kind of lost! I'm a level 75 warrior, looking to join an active clan, one that can maybe show me the ropes of this game again! I have Teamspeak, Discord, Mumble, and Ventrilo i can use from my PC if anybody out there uses it for this game.

A little about me! I'm a 27 year old Electrician, that's been playing MMO's since 1999, and am transitioning from PC mmo's to Mobile!

Hope to hear back from somebody :D

Re: Returning player looking for Clan!

Posted: Sun Mar 05, 2017 11:27 pm
by FlameBlade
Hey nice to see you wanna come back!! So currently the main clan that would suit your level is Minions. They have no level requirement and focus mainly on lower level bosses all the way up to snorri and sreng. On Gwydion we use the app line chat for clan chats and buying and selling. If you have any questions on who to contact and how to apply just pm me on forums or send mail to FlameBlade21 in game and I'll respond as soon as I can.