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Gwydion's first ever Clan vs. Clan PVP!

Posted: Sat May 26, 2012 8:26 am
by Alure
Our world's first ever ClanVs.Clan PVP has occurred today at around 4:00am EST.
The competing teams: *LubDubs vs. Solitaire*

According to the REF(Wilson) the battle ended in a tie for 3-3.

I ended up wasting just about 40 Rez idols because the opposing team's strategy was to rape the one and only Druid. Lol.
(it worked too)

Tbh, it was the most fun I had in this game: secretly callin out strategies. Sledding around being chased by sirstev :D
Slipping a heal to Spadder when Sirstev lags/looks away. I can't talk for others, but it was fun and excitement in it's true form at that time. There may not be much benefits, but it was exactly what I always longed for in this game: Genuine Fun.

ThankYou OTM.

Re: Gwydion's first ever Clan vs. Clan PVP!

Posted: Mon May 28, 2012 5:32 pm
by LoneWolf72
did this take place in the group PvP area? or in some special clan PvP dueling area lol

Re: Gwydion's first ever Clan vs. Clan PVP!

Posted: Mon May 28, 2012 11:25 pm
by PuppetMaster
Wow... sounds fun!... was there gambling involved?

Re: Gwydion's first ever Clan vs. Clan PVP!

Posted: Tue May 29, 2012 11:50 pm
by Matturias
There was a soli vs acid on the first day I think