Last final goodbye, and permanent
#1So, i know over the years ive played here, like everyone else ive made friends, good friends, and ive made enemies, good enemies. Some, not so good. Just being an observer since the last update, people who used to play this game for fun, after joining the top clans became robots. Stressed, over aggressive, and just plain old forget your first mates, becoming over confident, ruining your rep, all that. But deep down youre still the same person offline as you were when this game was still fun for the lot of you. Truth be told, i didnt mind staying at a certain level for months. People kept bugging me "im higher than you now, let's duel" or "dude, you should be lvling not socializing". I didnt mind not having good equipment, i didnt mind being at the bottom. All the drama here, to be honest its just an excuse to call it competition. Competition is good. Friendly aggressiveness is good. Calling each other "scum" or "d-bags" is really uncalled for (and i know ive said it to some people, and i do apologize). So just think, seriously, is all the over aggressiveness really necessary? Anyway, i havent been on in quite some time. I was on last night on an alt and only spoke to maybe 2-3 people, thought about coming back, then after reading some of the forum posts here in herne, changed my mind. Plus i cant really handle in-game drama with real life issues, so farewell.