Celtic Heroes

The Official Forum for Celtic Heroes, the 3D MMORPG for iOS and Android Devices

Server Questions?

I am lost! How is the update? And current status of herne? I also would like to know what the new gear is like? And how much plat items cost nowadays. Combo,sk,haste,hp,and,restores I will be planning on purchasing large quantities of all of the items listed.

Re: Server Questions?

Lotus! Hey buddy we miss you!... Firstly the world is about the same as its always been haha... Not too sure on plat prices, but from what I've heard they have increased a moderate amount due to the demand very much out weighing the supply.

Re: Server Questions?

Hi, White! How are u? I'm lvl 187 now and Blue is lvl 196 atm... :) The prices of scs were a week ago very high (10-12k ea), but now the prices are dropping back a bit, i think. :P
On Lugh:
Frazyl (still a low lvl, but it ll change fast) :p and a ranger

On Herne:
Zyljana, mage, lvl 192 (Main)
Azilo124, warrior, lvl 178
Frynt3, rogue, lvl 141

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