As a middle level player, I need help to fight bosses. So, the avatar of donn FINALY came up. Unfortunatly when he came up, this was at 3 in the morning, so very few players online. I went through my friends list, and asked a player called Admetus to help me. He came, but asked me for my heroic amulet of rej. After a long conversation of him asking over and over, and me saying no. We went after the boss.
He started complaining that he needed to amulet to kill donn, even though he was over level 100. As alwese I said no. We got to the boss, started fighting it. At that point he just refused to fight. I died, and knowing that Admetus would not help inless I let him scam me and take my amulet. I went through my friends list again, and got help from another player. We met at deaths cares, got back to the avatar of donn to find Admetus soloing the avatar of donn him even without my amulet that he said he needed. When he noticed that I was back, he left the group we had been in, and even with the help of the other player we had asked for help, we could not get the kill back from him and he rejected all group requests.
Sure, the avatar of donn will spawn back, and I wasn't fooled by Admetus, so he didn't take my amulet, I still think that this kinda stuff shouldn't happen to people who think its safe to lend a important item to.
Admetus is a scammer and a kill stealer. Watch out
Also I have heard rumors that he destroyed the last clan I was in. I can't say for sure because I was unable to play at the time it happened, however... Don't make Admetus a gaurdien or general in your clan. Be careful.
Re: Dem Scammers/KSers
#2Ok firstly, you have no proof of this, admetus has changed his ways and I highly doubt he would do any of this, secondly, don't just make a whole post to *** about someone, get over it, it's not that bad, and thirdly, I dont think anyone really cares, it's not like he was scammed for 1 mill or something. Admetus is a trustworthy person, and I don't want people like you dragging his name through the dirt.
Level 101 Warrior
Leader of the Companions
Level 101 Warrior
Leader of the Companions
Sir Chillrend of Herne
Level 107 warrior
Most loved and nicest player in Herne award 2010-2013 (1243 votes)
Best and fairest chieftain in Herne award 2010-2013 (1289 votes)
Was Chieftain of: Companions, NewCompanions, Pirates (original), Wingmen.
Level 107 warrior
Most loved and nicest player in Herne award 2010-2013 (1243 votes)
Best and fairest chieftain in Herne award 2010-2013 (1289 votes)
Was Chieftain of: Companions, NewCompanions, Pirates (original), Wingmen.
Re: Dem Scammers/KSers
#3Chillrend FYI admetus is listed as a scammer and has been called a scammer just about a thousand times, and I agree with the first post, admetus is a dirtbag and that's reason he was kicked from pagan. What he did was lie to a friend if u don't find that wrong and hopefully admin doesnt mind me saying this, your a moron.
Re: Dem Scammers/KSers
#4A friend asked for a transfer I said yes as always, and I
Equipped a golden bodkin of energy I had for the time, being a Mage I have really low damage and I realised that with the bodkin I did twice as much damage. I asked him if I could try it out for a day and I gave him my mighty crown shield of energy to hold onto, he agreed but only for a day. Then someone called quick silver said he wanted to join my clan. Since my clan needed members I said yes he could join. Soon after in a boss fight, he asked me if he could borrow my bodkin I said no as I didn't want to get scammed. He then left without
a word and said that he would only rejoin if I gave him my bodkin to use. I said only if he gave me something to hold onto. He previewed a shield, and so I dragged my bodkin over and then just as I was about to tap ready to trade he took it away and I realised that I gave him my bodkin for free. I was devastated as I also realised it wasn't even my bodkin! My friend would ask where it is and then what would I say? I have to give it back to him tommorow or he might report me! I'm really entangled in a problem what should I do????
Equipped a golden bodkin of energy I had for the time, being a Mage I have really low damage and I realised that with the bodkin I did twice as much damage. I asked him if I could try it out for a day and I gave him my mighty crown shield of energy to hold onto, he agreed but only for a day. Then someone called quick silver said he wanted to join my clan. Since my clan needed members I said yes he could join. Soon after in a boss fight, he asked me if he could borrow my bodkin I said no as I didn't want to get scammed. He then left without
a word and said that he would only rejoin if I gave him my bodkin to use. I said only if he gave me something to hold onto. He previewed a shield, and so I dragged my bodkin over and then just as I was about to tap ready to trade he took it away and I realised that I gave him my bodkin for free. I was devastated as I also realised it wasn't even my bodkin! My friend would ask where it is and then what would I say? I have to give it back to him tommorow or he might report me! I'm really entangled in a problem what should I do????
Re: Dem Scammers/KSers
#5If he took it out of trade u could've canceled it that was your own problem not really anything u can do except buy him another.
Re: Dem Scammers/KSers
#6I can always talk to quicksilver to he's my pal see if he will give back, can u tell me your character name?
Re: Dem Scammers/KSers
#7Moneyshot, I don't kow who you are, but admetus isn't a dirtbag, he used to scam, but the post on forums about him is old, and he has repaid some of e people he scammed. He has changed. You call me a moron and we gonna have some problems ok? The person who created this post can't even spell them for god sakes. Sounds very Ill-educated which leads to his lack of understanding of the game, and the people in it. My clan was just disbanded by dualblades when I was offline, so I'm pretty mad I lost the third best clan in herne, took two weeks of hard work to make, so don't make me mad I'd prefer not to be banned for offensive language.
Sir Chillrend of Herne
Level 107 warrior
Most loved and nicest player in Herne award 2010-2013 (1243 votes)
Best and fairest chieftain in Herne award 2010-2013 (1289 votes)
Was Chieftain of: Companions, NewCompanions, Pirates (original), Wingmen.
Level 107 warrior
Most loved and nicest player in Herne award 2010-2013 (1243 votes)
Best and fairest chieftain in Herne award 2010-2013 (1289 votes)
Was Chieftain of: Companions, NewCompanions, Pirates (original), Wingmen.
Re: Dem Scammers/KSers
#8guys my name was osmankaan ı paıd for some platinum and ı became the rıchest of herne. then two guys appeared named kagura and dualblades they saıd we will help u levellıng up then kagura saıd "can u gıv me ur sultan carpet for a trry" ı saıd yes then she used ıt and gave ıt back. then we went to farcrag castle and she wanted 900k ıt was my fault ı clıcked yes accıdently then she was gıvıng gold back then she was offlıne. then dualblades saıd " ıf u want ur gold back u must gıv me heroıc set. then ı entered my frıends account and ı gave heroıc set ı becos ı wanted my gold so much he took and escaped. then kagura was onlıne ı saıd "wheres my money" she saıd dualblades scammed her and she was naked ı knew her ıtems were ın the bank then she saıd she wanted my account! ı saıd no but she saıd all my mother and famıly dıe ıf ı scame u" then ı gave password she scammed me agaın
thx to my frıend he saved my account by changıng password now ım playın on epona warrıor lv44 there are no scammers come to epona guys !
thx to my frıend he saved my account by changıng password now ım playın on epona warrıor lv44 there are no scammers come to epona guys !
Re: Dem Scammers/KSers
#9Chill #1 read my signature and #2 yes he's still a scammer u guys all know kagura well guess what he stole all his gear and btw they know each other in real life and he actually went on kags iPod and took all his gear and put on his warrior :O what does that tell u chill, it tells u that he's still a scammer and a theif, one more thing all admetus gear is scammed from someone he didn't earn any of his gear, try and prove his innocence now chill.
Re: Dem Scammers/KSers
#10moneyshot, you are wrong. admetus bought plat.thats how he got items,and theres no proof of he scamming kag,doesnt mean kag is your clanmate or friend you must buy into him/her