Re: can we like transfer stuff from crom to herne. #11 by Curry30423 who ARE you CURIOSITY KILLING MEEE All chicken we're created equal U disrespect chicken I disrespect u Lightchamp - chieftain of lazy drunks - 223 Dg ranger ._. QuoteTue May 28, 2013 11:22 pm
Re: can we like transfer stuff from crom to herne. #12 by LarynXD LVL 136? Seems Legit Even If We Haven't Been Told A Name QuoteWed May 29, 2013 12:11 am
Re: can we like transfer stuff from crom to herne. #13 by hollywoodman He still needs xfer. I was unable to because he did not like my regulations! I think hes legit so someone help him out:) LMFAO IP BANNED 4 TIMES XD QuoteSat Jun 01, 2013 4:46 pm