And btw I think the greediness and aggressiveness comes in hand with the evolution of the game. Simply...I remember back when dark angels and new Britannia were like the best clans battling forever, there was maybe like 90% less aggressiveness greediness and hate in the game. Legit both clans handed down drops to the next player in line for warden or meteoric. (yes I remember this very well cuz I was in dark angels when I got moonshadow gloves ((thank you Atreyu)) ) now in clans you can't just expect to be in a line and be given drops. You have to be a certain level, you have to be trusted, you have to be loyal (understandable) you have to be this this and's so annoying. I think I got moonshadow boots and gloves in dark angels. And as soon as that update hit...the level of everything just increased. DA and NB became Pagan and TheNuMob, which became Defiance and Infection...which is now Ascension and Infection...and everything negative is rubbing off on other players.
I am not sure how Asc handles drops these days, but drop policy is actually, why we are such jerks about bringing new people into Inf...
Back in those days, both clans were very large, and drops were scarce. Collecting and distributing drops for these huge quests seemed the best way to get people hooked up.
But there were so many people, many with alts, many who leveled fast, and many who did not, some who never came to boss fights, but still wanted drops...
people who wanted to keep collecting, and people who wanted to be able to sell...
People who would get mad when another person got what they felt was "their upgrade"...
Tracking what to keep, and what not to keep was a huge PITA, i have spreadsheets for tracking drops, for tracking clan members, and which pieces they have (had). I spent over an hour a week recounting drops, and making sure people got hooked up quickly. With people constantly asking what we had, and who was next, and when were they up for drops...
I am extremely happy that I got to be a part of getting so many well-deserved players hooked up... But my point is, that there were huge headaches involved also. (Literally!)
Our small roster (we have less than 30 active players) may irritate some, and our no selling quest drops that someone needs or end game boss items, have irritated some into leaving, but overall, we leave most people alone ( arena excepted), and only kill bosses we need, so we aren't hoarding things others need more (mostly).
Our level req is high, only because that is where we play... Why would a lvl 100 want to be in a clan that isnt killing lvl 100 mobs or bosses? From my perspective, the only reason would be to get free stuff - and we don't do that anymore. So, its not us being elitists, its us being rational, when we say "no" to most requests to join.
Anyway, I feel like I am standing at a podium... Suffice it to say that I, personally, am happier now, which is the point of a "game" isn't it?